Without thinking I let go of Cheryl's hand and charge at her. I grab her throat and swing her around, slamming her into the side of the car.

'Don't you dare speak to her!! Don't you dare even look at her, you sick b*tch, how can you come here--'

'Kimberley you're choking her!' Cheryl screams. She's behind me, trying to pull me back. 'Kimberley stop it!'

I swing her around again and I let go, watch as she crashes to the ground, rolling over before trying to get up, coughing.

'You better go before I kill you, I swear to God...'

'Kimberley leave it! I'll call the police, nobody's killing anyone!'

'Drop the charges, please.' Kate shouts desperately.

My whole body freezes. Even Cheryl seems to have stopped breathing.

'What did you just say?!'

I've barely even thought about taking a step when Cheryl stands in front of me, placing her hands firmly on my face. 'Kimba. Baby look at us. Leave it, let her go, stop it.'

I can't take my eyes off Kate. I've never ever in my life felt so angry. But I reign it in. Somehow I see past my fury. Putting my arm around Cheryl tightly, I take a few deep breaths, staring her down.

'Nobody's dropping anything, you're insane if you think that's going to happen. If you don't leave now I'll be satisfied going down for your murder.'

'...I'm sorry.'

I don't move until she is gone, out of sight. I hear Cheryl sigh beside me, burying her face in my shoulder.

'I'm calling the police.'


'She just broke her bail conditions, surely?' I snap. 'She's not getting away with that, she's going back inside if I've got anything to do with it.'

'You can't, she'll tell them you attacked her!'

'I don't care, Cheryl! What if I hadn't been here?'

'I know... please Kimba let's just go out, forget it...'

I shake my head, already holding my phone. 'I'm sorry Cheryl she's not getting away with it, she cannot just come round here like that and expect me to ignore it.'

Cheryl just stands leaning against the car while I'm on the phone, and doesn't move when I hang up.


'What did they say?'

'Not much, but I think they're gonna pick her up. She's in the sh!t now.'

I slowly step in front of Cheryl and stroke her arm. 'I'm sorry Chez...'

'It's ok... if I could stand to be near her I'd probably have done the same... I can't believe she just turned up like that...'

Cheryl sighs and rests her head on my shoulder. I gently put my arms around her, giving her the chance to push me away if she wants to. She doesn't.

'I'm sorry.'

'It's fine. Not like she didn't ask for it.'

'I take it you're not much up for going out now?'


'I've got an idea.' I say, smiling suddenly. 'Get in the car.'


'Trust me, just get in the car.'

'Alright... where we going?'

'You'll see, come on.'

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