Daisies and gummy worms

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I woke up at 10 o'clock and already my heart was racing. Tyler doesn't even get here till three and I'm a nervous wreck,  like I've never been on a date before. Pull it together Jade pull it together. I decided on a simple pair of light blue denim bell bottom jeans with a burnt orange silky button up that all tied together with my black platforms. I set my outfit aside and start putting away the other clothes I was deciding from. Okay one thing done, you got this Jade I said to myself as I walked out my room to get something for breakfast.

My dad was in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee and reading over some paperwork. I sat next to him and grabbed an apple. "Hey kid any plans today?" He looked up from his paper smiling at me. "Just hanging out with a new friend for a little bit, she is picking me up at 3." He nodded as he looked back down at his paperwork "Sounds like a good time, remember home by 10:30. No if ands or buts about it." I laughed shaking my head & rolling my eyes "Yes dad I know the rules."

I finished my apple while just watching my dad stress over something in those papers of his. My dad is the owner of the towns local bar. It has been passed down from my great grandpa to my grandpa to now my dad. Business got bad though for awhile and I know he is still stressing over it despite it picking back up. As I got up  to throw out my apple core and go back upstairs I hug him quick.

I decided to just leave my hair down and let it do its thing like usual. I have thick curly hair and honestly its a pain in the ass but I do love it, but it was just better to let the curls do there own thing then trying to brush or style them. Cause I just know I would get frustrated if it didn't come out how I wanted and I don't want to be frustrated before I see Tyler.

It was just about 2:30 and I was completely ready. Well not my nerves, I was so nervous it was ridiculous. Thankfully both of my parents were at work so no one was there to see me pacing around the living room. Destiny texted me earlier wanting to hang out but I told her I had plans with Tyler, keeping out the part that its a date. She of course couldn't help herself and kept sending me wink and smirking emojis.

It was about 3:15 when I saw a truck pull in the driveway. I smiled to myself and took a deep breath, lets do this. I walked out the house and got in the passenger side.

"So sorry I'm a little late jade, my uncle didn't put gas in so I wanted to do it before I got you." Tyler said while smiling at me "You look great by the way."

Oh god and here comes the blushing. I smiled at Tyler, she looked great too beautiful actually. She had on a jean jacket that of course had her pins on it with a blink-182 band tee underneath. She had on these white ripped boyfriend jeans that fit her perfect, I couldn't help but look at all of her. "You look great too and you don't have to apologize at all."

While we were driving Tyler was telling me about why she missed school yesterday. "My uncle and I had to drive back to the city we used to live in to grab stuff from the storage locker we had there. We just didn't have the space in his truck to bring everything with us when we first moved."

I nodded that totally made more sense then her wanting to avoid me. I looked out window looking at everything we passed as we left Stowe, honestly I've probably only been out of Stowe maybe five times? The last time was a few years ago now. So enjoyed looking at all the things I haven't seen before even if it was different trees and houses.

"Hey ty? what are we even going to do?" I looked over asking her. She was looking straight ahead focusing on the road but she smiled "Look in the backseat."

The backseat? I was a bit confused but turned to look anyways, to my surprise there was a bouquet of daisies and gummy worms and a flyer. I smiled like an idiot while my face was a thousand degrees, I reached back grabbing it all. The flyer was for a drive in movie that said it was playing the movie My girl.

"A drive in movie? That sounds like so much fun, I have never been to one before!" I say excitedly I look back at the flowers and candy smiling "And how did you now these were my favorites?"

"Honestly?" Tyler says laughing "I ummm messaged Destiny and asked her."

So destiny did know I was going on a date ahhh now I definitely can't wait to talk to her later cause I don't even have to be nervous about telling her I went out with Tyler. I smiled "Really thats so sweet of you."

Tylers face gets that light blush she gets and she hid her smile a bit "Pshh me? Sweet? Nah nah you are just being to kind baby tomato." She says while keeping her eyes on the road. My smile grows "Yeah yeah whatever you say Ty."

When we get there some cars are already there but not to many so we found a good spot that was basically in the middle. We got out of the truck cause Tyler said she had blankets so we can go in the back of the trucks to watch. It was very cozy honestly, a concessions man came around and Tyler ordered us both nachos and a coke. We both laid back next to each other leaning on the back window of the truck. The food came right before the movie started and man was I happy cause my stomach was starting to grumble and if Ty heard it I think I would of actually died.

I never seen the movie we were watching but Tyler has so when we got to the middle of the movie and one of the main characters dies she was not as shocked as me. I couldn't help it, Tears just flowed down my cheeks. I was such a sap for anything and everything, but deaths of good characters oh god you bet I'm crying. Ty looked over and saw me and grabbed my hand, my stomach was immediately filled with the flutters. She used her thumb to rub the back of my hand, it was so soothing and calming.

Ty held my hand for the rest of the movie, honestly I didn't want the movie to end cause I didn't want her to let go but sadly it did. It was only 7 when the movie finished, the sun was getting ready to set. "Ready for the next adventure?" Tyler says picking up the blankets we were sitting on. "Most definitely." I smile big at her.

It was about a ten minute drive til we parked, we were at a little lake that had a dock with benches. We got out of the car and Tyler went and grabbed my hand again, interlocking our fingers. I bashfully smiled at her as we walked down the dock to one of the benches.

"I thought we could enjoy the sunset before I had to take you home." Tyler says while we sit down. "Thats the most perfect way to end this perfect date" I say smiling at her and looking in her pretty grey eyes. Tyler face looks at me in awe "You know I think you are so beautiful jade, and you are the kindest person I ever met, I am just so happy I get to get to know you." I felt like I was going to melt, my heart was racing. Maybe I was melting? oh god, this girl makes me melt. "I feel the same about you Ty, I don't think anyone has ever made me this excited and nervous and happy all wrapped into one before." Tyler smiled squeezing my hand.

The sunset was absolutly beautiful and so was the company, I never wanted the date to end but sadly we were already parked in my driveway. My house was all dark but a dim light coming from my parents room so I knew they're in bed. I looked over at Tyler and she was already smiling at me "Thank you for toinight, I had a great time." I say as I grab the flowers and gummy worms she got me. "No thanks even necessary baby tomato I hope we can do it again sometime." She says to me with kind eyes. I nod "Of course we can." I say as I start to get out.

"Have a goodnight Ty." I say as I turn to hop out of the truck. "What you forgot something!" "Huh."  I turn around and Ty kisses my forehead "Goodnight baby tomato." My eyes go wide and Ty shuts the door. My face felt like it was on fire while I was speechless watching her pull out the driveway.

A/N AHHHHHH and there we have it their first date!! I hope everyone liked it, I didn't want it to be to crazy as it was just a first date and they aren't even in a relationship yet! A big thank you to everyone reading and giving feedback/voting, I can not believe I am already at 600 reads!! I am so beyond thankful that you guys are even liking my story.I love reading everyones thoughts/opinions on the story so far and of course appreciate all the tips as I am always trying to improve my writing!  Next update hopefully tomorrow or even possibly later tonight. Updates will start to become every other day soon as I am in the middle of looking for a new job, so I hope everyone still stays interested in the adventures of Jade and Tyler even if my updates become a little less frequent. 🤞🏻☺️

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