Evil turkey of a human

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I woke up early with my stomach in knots from anxiety, I was not ready for the school day at all. I barely got any sleep last night I am absolutely exhausted. All I kept thinking about is Aaron kissing Lyla and her making it seem like it was my fault that they started fooling around behind my back. When never did anything to either of them to deserve to be blindsided like that.

Breakfast this morning was a sad looking iced coffee without the ice, so technically cold vanilla coffee. I filled a whole thermos with it and even then I felt like I didn't have enough. I didn't hear anyone else in the house so my parents must of already headed out to work. A knock scared the living hell out of me I almost dropped to the floor. I heard the door open & destiny shout out that it was just her.

"I figured you might want a ride today, & do not worry everyone is totally on your side. Well sorta kinda... 30/70 I mean he is the quarterback." Destiny rambles out as she meets me in the kitchen. I shrug "I didn't do anything so no one can pick a side, there are no sides. Ill be fine if Lyla wants Aaron she can have him." Destiny smiled "Atta girl jade, you dont need no man!! Now get your gallon of cold sugar crack & lets go"

Only the second day and Mrs jean is still grilling us about making sure we start and keep up on our what we want for the future essay. I tune her out, I have no energy to even pretend to think about the future. Finally the bell rang and its time to eat my feelings with some pizza. When I got out to the front lawn with my food I saw Destiny sitting with Korrine, no Lyla or the guys thankfully I got there first. As soon I sat down Korrine started apologizing, I told her it was fine she can't control what her best friend does & I wasn't mad at her. Honestly I wasn't mad at anyone, just hurt.

As I'm finishing my second piece of pizza I see Tyler walking towards our table. I dont know why I did but I called out to her inviting her to come sit with us. Destiny looked intrigued and Korrine just looked confused. Tyler smiled and sat down next to me "Hey jade... hey jades friends." Destiny smiled her half real half fake smile "I'm destiny jades BEST friend." She said a little to assertive. Korrine just waved and didn't say a word to her. "I'm Tyler, nice to meet you jades BEST friend." Tyler said in the same tone destiny did which made her smile. "Huh so like youre really a homosexual right? Like thats why you have that pin? Do your parents care? I never actually met a homosexual before but I did think orange is the new black was funny" Destiny rambles out. I face palm in response god she has no type of filter at all. Tyler just laughed " I am a lesbian yes and my parents aren't in the picture I live with my uncle and he only cares that I'm happy." I looked over at Korrine who was just sitting there looking at Tyler like she was something out of a goosebumps book.

I was sitting there listening to my best friend talking Tylers ear off about what and whys of being gay, she was definitely being mildly offensive without trying to be. Tyler though was just being the kindest and answering all of Destinys questions without hesitation.

"AWW JADE YOU TURNED HOMO?" I heard a voice screech out from behind me, I didn't even need to turn around to know it was Lyla. Destiny shouted back at her "JUST CAUSE WE ARE SITTING WITH A GAY DOESNT MAKE US GAY." My eyes went wide, destiny was trying not to be rude but still it was all a mess. Korrine got up and went right next to Lyla, not shocking honestly. Tyler glared at Lyla "What is your actual problem you evil turkey of a human." I held in a laugh, who calls someone an evil turkey. Destiny though did not hold in her laugh "HA yeah go gobble gobble on Aaron some more you whore." Tyler raised her hand up laughing, her and destiny high fived.

It was last period of the day and everyone was still talking about what happened in the front lawn at lunch. I have had so many people ask me if I was dating Tyler now and honestly it was getting annoying. Just cause I sit next to someone who likes girls means now I am dating them? I like Tyler I do but as a friend nothing more nothing less.

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