Who does she think she is?

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It was the first day of junior year and I was sitting in the front lawn of the school waiting for the bell to ring to signal us to go to our homeroom with destiny, she has been my best friend since pre school so I learned to tune her out while she's ranting about Mike who dumped her yet again.

Don't get me wrong I love destiny I do but this happens every other month and they always just end up back together so really I didn't need to hear the whole she hates mike rant again, but this time it was cut short by the sound of a dirt bike riding into the parking lot.

"Who is that hottie" Destiny says as we look over at the person parking. A new kid was always rare in our small town so all eyes were on them, I kinda felt bad cause I know I would feel so awkward having a bunch of strangers just gawking at you. The new kid parked their bike and took off their helmet, and to everyones amazement I'm sure it was a girl. She had straight dark blue hair that fell a bit past her shoulders, she was nothing like anyone else living here in Stowe.

By the time it was fourth period I was still thinking about the new girl and honestly I know I wasn't the only one cause all day I kept hearing whispers about her. I was hoping I would have a class with her but as of yet nope, I was just curious on what her name was. I felt my phone vibrate so I carefully pulled it out under my desk to see who it was.

                         *ONE NEW MESSAGE*

       Aaron - hey babe meet up outside for lunch? :)

     Me - Really?! Sounds great see you in 35!

Well thats a nice change usually Aarons spends lunch at the school gym so it will be nice to actually have lunch with my boyfriend for once.

Mrs jean was going on for the half hour about an essay we needed to write. It was about what we wanted our future to look like, we had all semester to get it done so she said she shouldn't have to give out any extra time to finish it. I sighed its not that I hate writing its that I have no clue what to write about or what I even fully want for my future yet. The future could be anything, it could be anywhere and honestly thinking about that makes me nervous, what if I can't do it what if I can't make a good future for myself? I don't know the future is just a lot to think about. Way to much to think about before noon at that.

Finally the bell rang I gathered up my bag, I walked out not paying any attention and smacked right into the new girl. "Ahh I am so so sorry I didn't mean it I was not looking."

She laughed "No worries, no injuries were sustained so I won't sue." I laughed as she walked away, well she's funny. Now that I saw her up close she is most definitely not like anyone from here, she had both sides of her nose pierced and her ears had holes in them not like regular piercing holes either like I could see through them. They weren't huge though probably the size of a dime. I snapped myself out of thought and walked to the front lawn to meet Aaron.

He was sitting at a picnic table with Destiny, Mike, Korrine and Lyla. I sat next to Aaron who was talking to Mike about some football plays so I just turned to the girls who were gossiping about something. "Yeah I had one class with her she didn't talk much but introducing herself, Mr Martin looks at her like she is the devil." Korrine says while the other two nodded.

Ahh they are talking about the new girl of course I should of known, I just listen and nod along since I don't have anything to add to the conversation cause I didn't have any classes with her. "Well I mean she kinda could be the devil, I mean did you see her nose?? who pierces their face and she wears a rainbow flag pin on her shirt so she is probably a homosexual." Lyla says while rolling her eyes, Lyla was religious we all went to church on Sundays but her family were what you would call bible thumpers, they were all about it.

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