I got a gay sister now

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Everyone was talking about what Tyler did this morning, honestly I was kind of mad I missed it since I was in homeroom already but not as mad as Destiny. She was going on and on about how she was upset she missed seeing Lyla get her ass handed to her.

By the time lunch came around everyone was back to talking about the freshman who was pregnant. Nobody knew who it was yet, everyone just had there guesses. Me though I had zero clue who it could be, I didn't even know any freshman.

Me and Destiny had lunch by ourselves in the library, Destiny had some paper for her advance science class she was doing. A lot of people would be shocked that destiny was in advance classes, but not me. Ever since we were 5 all Destiny talked about being was a doctor and to be a doctor you have to be smart, she never failed a class. Now me? I wasnt dumb by any means but I also was not in a single advanced class.

Destiny closed her notebook when she was done writing her notes down. "Okay so deets, I saw Tyler leave during lunch yesterday... Did you two hang out?" Ahhh fuck now what I can't lie to Destiny she is basically my sister but at the same time how do I tell her I have a big fat crush on Tyler. "Yeah she came over for a bit and we listened to some music." Destiny frowned "She's not going to become your new bff right? Cause she is really cool and so funny and -"

I cut her off "Des nooooooo she is not becoming my new bff, you have no worries we are just friends." Destiny laughed "Or more than friends huh."She wiggled her eyebrows. My eyes almost popped out of my head, my face felt like 1000 degrees.

She looked more shocked then me though "WAIT I WAS JUST KIDDING WAIT OH JADE OH MY GOD DO YOU LIKE T-" I never moved so fast in my life I slapped my hand over Destinys mouth so fast I thought I was going to knock her out of the chair. "Please des please be quiet... please don't hate me." I moved my hand from Destinys mouth and she was frowning. Oh great I lost my best friend I sighed and was about to get up and walk away but she pulled me back down. "Jade Marie Matthews, the only way I could hate you is if you went and saw Luke combs without me you know that... I wont lie to you I am surprised, I had no idea you.. I just I didn't know, its just different but I don't hate you."

I smile holding back tears "Are you sure?" She gets up and hugs me "Of course I'm sure you doofus, Ill meet you at your house after practice and we can talk more than cause the bell is about to cut us off."

The rest of the day went by fast all I could think about was talking to destiny when I got home, when walked out to my car I realized Ty parked next to me, I smiled to myself and decided to wait for her to come out. She came out about half hour after school let out with paint all over her jeans again, it was like the first day of school all over again.

Tyler has a big smile on her face as she walked up to her bike "Waiting for me baby tomato?" I blushed hearing her call me that outloud "Well yeah of course, wanted to make sure you were okay after this morning."

She shrugged getting on her bike "At this point she can't do anything to upset me, she's a squawking parrot who repeats the same phrases over and over again." I nodded "Well I gotta go ill text you later baby tomato" She says while putting her helmet on.

It was six and saying I was nervous was an understatement. Destiny was going to be flying in my room any minute to talk about Tyler. I could hear my front door opening and Destiny screaming hi to my mom before jetting up the stairs, oh boy here we go.

Thankfully before she just went right into it she started telling me Mike told her that he knows who's pregnant but he wont tell her so now she is with holding sex from him which I could of gone without knowing honestly. " Anyways now to the main news of the day!! So does she know you like her?? Are you gay now??"

I laugh at my best friend and nod " Yes she knows I have a crush on her and um no? I still like guys too so I'm bisexual, I guess I kinda pushed it down till now." Destiny scrunched her eyebrows like she was thinking "Huh I guess it makes since,,, you would just about have an orgasm any time Angelina Jolie was on a tv screen."

I throw my pillow at her and we both start laughing. Thank god this isn't as awakward as I thought it would be. Destiny threw the pillow aside "So I mean....... What about me? Have you ever had a crush on me or like.... wanted to kiss me?" Boy did I speak to soon.

"Des nooooooo you are literally like my sister, I have never wanted to kiss you." Destiny frowns "Well I mean I am kissable gosh." We both start laughing again "Oh my god shut up you pain in my ass." I say through the laughing. "But wait on a serious note how do you have you know sex?" She says very serious "WAIT WAIT nooo I don't want to know" She squints her eyes in thought "OR WAIT maybe I do hm."

Here goes my face burning up again "DESSSS Please stop oh my god I'm new to this myself!" Des rolls her eyes "Fine fine fine baby gay ill stop for now, but I gotta learn to you know I got a gay sister now."

Des ended up staying for another hour before she had a movie date with Mike, she promised me she wouldn't tell anyone about my sexuality. She reassured me before she left that she loves me still and that she was always going to be my sister even if I liked boobies now, which she said a little to loud for my liking. Still though it meant a lot, I know she could tell I was nervous for this new chapter in my life and I am just thankful I have her to be apart of it still.

It was a little passed eleven, I was about to go to sleep when Tyler texted me.

Tyler - Lets go on a date Saturday, we can drive to the town over so no one knows us.. its only a forty minutes drive, ill plan everything and its on me of course... what do you say baby tomato?

I looked at my phone in disbelief, a date??? She wants to go on a date with me?? oh god oh god oh god. What if someone saw us there? What if I make a fool of myself and she doesn't even want to be my friend anymore oh god. I hold my breath while texting back.

Me - I would love too... you told me to always be honest with you though and if I am honest I am so scared and nervous.

Tyler - Can I be honest with you too?

Me - Of course you can, always Ty.

Tyler - So am I.

A/N HOLY HELLLLLL JUST YESTERDAY I WAS AT 100 READS & NOW IM AT 200 THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! It makes me so happy to know people are reading & actually enjoying what I am writing. This chapter was fun to write simply because it reminded me of my best friend when I came out to her. Again as always thank you so much for the votes/comments and feedback I appreciate it all so much and love reading all the comments and everyones thoughts on the story so far :) Next Updates tomorrow!

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