What a holy hoe

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It was 7 and I was on my way to the field for the bonfire. It took me not even fifteen minutes to get there, like I said before its a small town.

The one side of the field was filled with everyones cars and trucks already I scanned them till I spotted the dirt bike. I drove down parking beside it, why? I dont know but it felt right.

I looked around after I got out if my car and saw destiny but no aaron yet which was strange since usually he is the first one at events always making sure there was a keg.

Destiny smiled when she saw me "Finally jade you're here! Korrine is already making out with Darrin in his car, Mikes mom is making him stay home cause she found condoms in his room, & Lyla won't answer my texts. So please don't tell me you are going to ditch me for Aaron all night."

I laughed "Dont worry des I won't ditch you & I haven't even heard from or seen Aaron."

Destiny laid out her blanket a bit away from the bonfire and we sat down on it. Neither of us were big drinkers we would sometimes but for sure not tonight since we had our first cheer practice tomorrow so instead we just sat and talked while listening to the music that was playing.

It was maybe a half hour later when Korrine finally finished making out and came to hang out with us. "Hun your lipstick is a little smeared." Destiny said laughing.

Korrine eyes got wide and wiped her bottom lip. "I thought for sure you would be with aaron." Korrine said looking at me.

I shrugged "He isn't here yet but I'm sure he will find us when he is." She looked confused "But I thought I saw his truck."

I stood up looking around "Hm well I'll go look around and see if I see him or his truck but he said it was in the shop thats why I brought him home from practice."

I started walking around the bonfire looking through the crowd of people standing and sitting around. I didn't see him so I decided to go check where everyone parked and see if his truck was actually there.

It took me a second because a lot more people showed up after me, but I finally saw it. It was parked and shut off I couldn't see if he was in it from where I was so I got closer and when I did I could here someone laughing.

When I got to it I really wish I didn't cause there in the cargo bed of his truck was him laying down kissing Lylas neck while his hand was up her shirt. They both looked shocked and Aaron jumped out immediately trying to apologize.

I just turned around and started fast walking back to destiny and korrine I could here them both following me trying to explain but I didn't care. Destiny saw me and must of knew something was wrong cause she got up right away " What happened!? Why do you look like you are going to explode??"

I was livid, hurt and overall confused I thought Lyla was my friend and Aaron and me have been together for a long time now I never saw this coming. Tears started rolling down my face and I couldn't even help it " Aaron and Lyla they were-"

Before I could even finish my sentence they both popped up aaron started saying how sorry he was I found out this way but lyla was just cold saying that it was my fault I never appreciated aaron enough and she did.

I couldn't even respond, my throat felt like it was on fire. Destiny started screaming at both of them telling them they were both cheating whores. Korrine just sat there shocked, I figured she wouldn't say anything since she was closest to lyla.

I grabbed destiny and pulled her to the side " I need to be alone right now, thank you for yelling at them for me" I managed to get out between the tears and frog in my throat. She nodded and gave me a big hug. While I was waking back to my car it felt like all eyes where on me, I know destiny was only sticking up for me but god did she have to be so loud about it.

I just sat in my car cause I couldn't drive yet, my eyes wouldn't stop with the tears. My passenger side door opened and Tyler got in shutting the door. I looked over at her confused, She frowned whens she looked at me "I know you probably don't want company but everyone is talking about it and I figured you could use someone to vent to who has no opinions what so ever."

I half smiled "I appreciate that thank you Tyler." She smiles " No worries at all." "So everyone knows aaron was with lyla?" I sighed while saying. Tylers eyes got wide "They know he was with someone but I personally didn't known it was lyla, what a holy hoe." I laughed and not a fake laugh, a deep belly laugh and it was nice.

I smiled " Thank you I needed that laugh, holy hoe that is her to a T." Tyler laughed "Course you need to laugh again I'm your girl!"

"Do you think I can text you sometime you know to vent without those opinions you were talking about." I say looking at her.

Tyler smirked at me " Is this your way of just trying to get my number?" My face went red " Oh no not at all I'm not I mean I like guys and I just thought-"

Tyler started laughing "I'm just fucking with you baby tomato don't worry, of course you can have my number and you can vent anytime." I smiled and looked down as I handed her my phone so she could put her number in it.

By the time I got home it was 11, I was drained and just ready for bed. But honestly I kept thinking of Tyler and how kind she was to come & make me laugh after all that happened. So I thought maybe I should thank her again so I grabbed my phone, got cozy in bed and started texting her.

Me - Hii Tyler I just wanted to thank you again for making laugh after all that. ☺️

Tyler - Uh who is this...?

My eyes got wide oh god she doesnt even realize who it is how embarrassing.

Tyler - I am just kidding baby tomato, you are most definitely welcome I like hearing you laugh 😬

Me - I have a dumb laugh 😂 Also is baby tomato my new name??

Tyler - Well I mean when you get all flustered you look like a cute baby tomato so yes yes it is 😝

my face was bright red, and It felt like I had butterflies but I couldn't cause she a girl and I dont like girls like that

Me - Well I guess its better then being a rotten tomato lol

Tyler - Lmao yes way better then that

Tyler - Do you maybe want to hang out tomorrow after school? As you know I'm sure i dont have many friends here

Me - I'm sorry I can't I have cheerleading practice.

Tyler - You're a cheerleader? I didn't know that we even had a cheer team lol

Me - I'm actually the captain 😊 Did you want to try out!?

Tyler - 😂 Oh heck no I cant keep a beat to save my life

Me - 😂 Oh damn we could of spent more time together if you did

Tyler - 🤨 Ohhhhhh so you want to spend more time with me huh 😉

My face was absolutely bright red reading that text I didn't even know how to respond, I have never had a girl flirt with me before.

Tyler - Let me guess you're a baby 🍅 right now aren't you 😏

Me - Pffffft me!? Never lol goodnight Tyler 😬

I put my phone on my nightstand and smiled, what is this girl doing to me.

A/N I hope whoever is reading along is liking it so far!! Its late where I live but I wanted to write another chapter today. Its not that long but i am enjoying how everything is playing out so far 😊 Thank you to the people who have voted/commented & read along so far, everything is very much appreciated 😬 Spelling & grammar mistakes will be fixed in the morning. Let me know what you think so far about tyler & jades friendship or about anything else you like or even dont like about the story so far. Another Chapter with be posted sometime thursday or friday 😊

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