Brothers... so different than ever!

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Me: DAMN! Be carefull with these!

Momo: Usagi! Get away from him!

Me: Alright, Alrighty~!

I was away from Tenya but I didn't let these heroes out of my sigh. I really didn't wanted to fight but they were not giving me any other choice. Just looking at Dabi's brother told me everything now question was should I bring him over to our side or leave him on hero side.

Me: Yo, you know Dabi would love for his brother to be a villain too. Why not join me?

With a big smile on my face, I looked at Shoto and hoped that he would say yes cause that would make a lot things easier for me. Too bad that he instead of saying anything chose to attack me with ice.

Me: Too bad it has to come like this.

Now since he was the one to distract me and I fight Dabi a lot for training, it was not hard at all to dodge all the ice and get close to him at all. Let's say I knew what they were doing and I wanted to play with them, so I went along and focused only on this one CandyCane for now. 

Meanwhile I could see Momo from the side of my eyes checking up on Uraraka and Iida. They were both alive. I promised not to kill anyone after all. If I wanted to kill them why should I have toyed around with them at all?

I would have made an example and would have bombed their dorms getting everyone to die in an instant and give Nezu and the heroes quiet something to think about. Why after all should I go out of my way to do this and kill everyone else one by one? It didn't made any sense at all. 

Besides huge deathcounts were my speciality. 

Me: I see you~

That was all I said before I threw my daggers at her leaving me be completly exposed but I was sure to fight this brother barehand as I didn't wanted to injure him more than the others. He was Dabi's brother and I knew that Dabi was about to try and get him to be a pert of us. This was all I could do for him after all.

 That crafting table went down without anything but a scream as I did hit her back shoulder and also another point which was well a pressure point and I hit that one with the back of my dagger. 

Todoroki: Big mistake.

Me: Oh really?

You really think you got me?!



Don't make me laugh!

You don't have anyone like this!

Let me show you!

I grabbed one of the ice peacs he made and broke them. Yes they were cold and yes I was hurting myself but it was also a perfect bet and a spear, which I definitelly threw at him. It was quite obvious that he would use his fire side but the outcome was also quite obvious. Ice and fire made a wall of mist which I used to my advantage to dive in and be out of his sight just to get behind him.

Me: What did you say?

Todoroki: YOU-

Now before he could say anything else, I decided to hit him at the back of his neck so I coul hit that one pressure point to make him drop on the ground and layed him down.

Me: aww... I really want you in our team... I wonder what I should do... I'll call Dabi!

Without much thinking, I took my phone out and called that burned chicken nugget. He answered my call immediately since I was basically their leader behind everything.

Me: Yo, Dabs! I got your brother, you want me to let him leave or take him with us?

Dabi: What?

Me: Long story short. I have your brother unconsciously in front of me. You want to take care of him as an LOV member or should I leave him.

Dabi: Where are you?

Me: Ahm, I'll ping ya my coordinates.

Dabi: I'll take him from there.

Me: Cool, thanks. Gotta go now!

Dabi: WAI-

I ended the call before this dumb nugget would ask me anything more. They after all didn't know about this. We did have a TV but Shiggy was on it the whole time. So there was no chance of them watching the news of finding out about this.

 So there was no chance of them watching the news of finding out about this

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