Welcome to my game

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The moment I walked out of UA, I started dashing away from everyone. It was funny to see Iida try to keep up with me and you know what? I decided to make a little goose chase with him running in a circle in a plasa where everyone could see us and you know what?

A hero really found us. The thing was this hero was one of the insignificant ones and he was lucky I was prohibited to kill anyone for now. However that didn't stop me to run and get behind the hero making the perfect trap for Iida while also having my dagger at the throat of this very hero.

Me: Whatcha gonna do now huh?


How foolish of this hero to try and step in only because they saw me.


Who does he think he is?

Not even the top 3 heroes could catch me and this little guy thought he could do this because he saw me?

How ridiculous!

Iida: Get away from him!

Me: Oh but what if I don't wanna?

Iida: Usagi, you said you wouldn't harm anyone.

Me: As far as I remember, I said I wouldn't kill you guys. I never said anything about civilians.

Tho it's true, I will not kill anyone.... 

Doesn't mean I won't harm them!


With this thought stuck in my mind, I pressed the edge of the blade closer to his throat and I could feel this hero shiver. He was scared. No one could blame him for that sine I was basically know to kill heroes, civilans and all alike not even carying for who they are or what they can do. I didn't even care about the age as long as it was entertainment I was in for the fun.

Iida: Slowly put the knife away.

Me: You blind? This is a beautiful dagger, how dare you call it a knife.

Iida: I am deeply sorry. Put away your dagger then please.

Me: And why should I do this?

Iida: You said you wanted us to play tag, right? We can't play tag like this.

Me: Let me think about this.... No.

That was all I said before I actually decided to leave a cutting mar on this hero so he would remember me. Of course I made sure this mark was deep enough to leave a scar but not kill him and then throw him against Iida before dashing away once again.

I was just teasing him for now. The real fun would begin the moment I managed to get out of everyones eyes. That timing was about right now. It was easy to just dip and dissapear if you knew the city in and out like me. On top of that, I was a villain. I knew my escape routs well.

However before I could even start the game, my phone went off and I looked at the caller ID. 


That's my dad...

I wonder what he wants...

Don't tell me he already found out!

Oh come on!

I want some fun too!

As I thought that, I hid in a corner and picked up the call. I was sure that no hero was around me nor a hero in training. I was in a busy street and diving under and going incognito was pretty easy too.

Me: Hewo?

AfO: Hewo? Don't hewo me! 

Me: Fine, then hello.

AfO: *sigh* My son, what are you doing?

Me: Having my fun.

AfO: And what did I tell you?

Me: Not to kill or experiment on people.

AfO: And what exactly are you doing right now?

Me: Playing Tag with heroes while hurting them but not killing.

AfO: Oh and this makes it better? How?

Me: It's a loop hole and you never mentioned I was not allowed to do that.

AfO: *sigh* You really love loop holes.

Me: Sure do.

AfO: Fine, do what you want but don't get caught.

Me: Mh~ As if they could actually catch me.

AfO: I am not worried about you but them.

Me: Oh come on. 

AfO: Anyways make sure to have fun and get back safe.

Me: Will do.

AfO: Next time inform me beforehand.

Me: By the way how did you found out?

AfO: You were filmed having that young hero in a kidnapping situation.

Me: Ohhh....

AfO: Be more careful son.

Me: Nah... let's see about that.

AfO: Love you son and stay safe... also make me proud if you already doing this and go full out but again no killing!

Me: yeah Yeah I got it and thanks love you too dad.

Just like this our conversation ended with me having this huge cheshire smile on my face.

Now we talking about things!

Let's do this!

Tag you're it! (UA civil war game)Where stories live. Discover now