Tell me you hate me (I'll still love you the same)

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a/n: this is a drabble, may or may not become a full fledged oneshot idk

He'd never been particularly good with words, especially when those words involved feelings — the art of mixing the two together never came and though it was for the better, not being able to express more than blood lust and regular lust, he found himself cursing whatever brought him here; to the moment he needed words the most.

You're sitting on the worn leather couch, the holes where cigarettes burned through scratching against your thighs. There's an occasional tear and scratch you run your palm across, likely from one of his many prostitute's heels.

"So," you begin, tension rising as your throat starts to dry. The words aren't flowing, so you say the only thing you can. "You know I love you, right?"

He feels like a child in trouble, but this is much worse; he is not a child, but a grown man facing the much worse consequences of his actions and he is scrambling to form a response, "I should be the one saying that," and yet he makes no move to, further breaking your heart. "You know words aren't my thing."

And he's right, words are not and never will be 'his thing', "Words aren't my thing either and yet here I am, spilling my heart out to you and getting a shitty response – you're pathetic." he's taken aback by your bluntness, you had always been so sweet and understanding before.

Static plays in his mind – he needs to say something, anything so you don't walk out the door. "I'm afraid," he admits, the words sending a shiver down his spine. He had never said it aloud, worried that if he did, then it would be true, but his fear of losing you surpassed any other fear of his. Your wide eyes make him uneasy, the need to explain himself grows. "It feels like if I say it out loud, then it's real and I have to face it."

He's so close to spilling that he loves you, but refrains. "I can't tell you that I love you, because then you become a weakness; there will be others that pick up on it and then you'll become a target." and he won't let that happen, he can't. "You might think I'm pathetic, but I'll become much worse to keep you safe."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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