Illumi in a relationship hcs

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Warnings: typical Illumi behavior


He's very...cold? Illumi is a very reserved and closed off guy. You probably won't ever get to truly know him. He's never properly coped with his emotions, so that resulted in him basically shutting them down.

Marriage happens quickly. If he deems you fit to date him, then you're fit to marry him. Illumi see's dating as a waste of time, it's not like you'd be allowed to break up with him and leave anyway, so why not marry right away? You do manage to make him agree to a short dating period though, "If that is what you truly want, we can wait."

Don't expect him to comfort you physically or emotionally. It's not that he doesn't want to, he literally doesn't know how. He knows that a pat on the back is not appropriate, so he sticks to staring you down until you feel better. He even offers to use his pins to temporarily knock you out!

Definition of "Good intention, bad execution." When you're upset, he takes the leaving you alone until you feel better route so he can bathe you, feed you, and spoil you in those little ways. It made you cry harder the first time he walked away like that because you thought he was going to ignore you.

You don't get to leave the estate. Not without him at least. Look, he doesn't want you getting hurt and he likes to establish the control he has over you. It's one of his ways of saying, "You can't ever leave."

You must always look presentable. Illumi always tells you, "There are butlers and maids for a reason. Use them so you look presentable." And you do, you learned your lesson the hard way after all.

He isn't all that bad. You still get to talk to your family twice a week and he spoils the shit out of you. It's the least he can do after taking away your regular life. And though he doesn't understand the whole, "I miss my family." Thing, he still acknowledges it, and let's communication stay.

He expects children. The Zoldyck's are old fashion like that. They marry more for power than love. But in your case, he at least feels some sort of love towards you. It's a mix of obsession, possession, and the need to protect you.

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