Random Hisoka hcs pt1 & pt2

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Hisoka is one touchy mf. Expect there to always be a hand resting on your body when he can't horde you to himself in bed.

Hisoka probably doesn't see you as anything more than temporary. That, or you managed to make a home in that heavily guarded heart of his.

If you did manage to do that, then his love is an obsessive and possessive one. He doesn't want to share you with anyone or anything.

Always watching you, whether you're aware of it or not. Hisoka is one hell of a stalker and proud of it.

Would not want kids, but an animal? Hell yes, sign him up.

Will try to adopt all the animals in the shelter and then be sad when he's denied.

I could see him owning a raccoon or an opossum. He likes animals that aren't considered a normal pet, so if he comes home with one don't be surprised.

It's always your word over anyone else's. It doesn't matter who, he will always take your side.

Dueling with him is common. Since he would only date someone that is strong and worthy in his eyes, expect him to challenge you at least once every other day.

Buys matching outfits and makes you wear yours. There is rarely a time where you two are seen wearing different clothes.

Shows you off. You're obviously the second best person to exist (He's the first), so the world deserves to see his wonderful s/o.

He trusts you enough to not take away your freedom, so you still get to go out "without" him. Of course, he is watching and making sure you behave and those around you don't try anything.


He has cold hands, and you never thought you'd find cold hands comforting until they were his. Hisoka likes to trace circles on your hip when you're lying in bed together, the coolness oddly comforting and it puts you to sleep instantly.

Whether you're in public or in the comfort of your own home, he is always touching you in some way. He likes holding you close, it gives him a sense of security that he isn't alone, that he has you. And, since you give him this feeling of security, he won't be willing to give you up. So be prepared to be with this man until he decides he no longer wants you.

He holds all the power in the relationship, and he knows you know this. Everything you do is controlled by him. Now, Hisoka isn't super harsh or anything, but he isn't above isolating you to a single room and depriving you of human contact.

"Keep that up and I might just have to kill your parents," is a common threat from Hisoka. He likes to make those types of comments every now and then to remind you he is in control, not you. It's his way of keeping you in check, and trust me, he is more than willing to go through with his threats.

While Hisoka does have his bad side, he also has his good one, which you see often.

He enjoys planning little picnic dates. Often, he will take you to the local park to feed the geese together and eat the lunch he packed.

One time, he got a little too close to a momma goose and her babies, which ended in him being chased for a good 5 minutes. "Those things are monsters," is what Hisoka said, panting and laying on the ground next to you.

Needless to say, he hates geese now and observes them from a distance while you feed them.

Hisoka likes to take you shopping and buy you expensive clothes. It's his way of spoiling you. And, it is useful when he takes you on the more extravagant dates.

"I don't like people touching what is mine," is a common sentence you hear from Hisoka. Anytime someone flirts or gets too close to you, he gets annoyed and there is a high chance they'll disappear for daring to touch you.

Please do a spa day with this man, he would love it.

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