When you fall asleep on their lap and drool

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"(y/n), may I get u-"

'Oh' Illumi thought, cutting himself off as he looked at your sleeping form. He could just wake you up or push you to the side, but you seemed so comfortable.

He doesn't mind if you drool on him a bit. He can easily wash his clothes or wipe it off if he wants it gone.

Illumi would let you sleep on his lap a little longer before he ends up moving you so he can complete whatever tasks he needs to.


He had just gotten back from a trip, and it was roughly 4 in the morning. So naturally, you felt tired because you were up waiting for him so you could spend a little time together.

"Darling, we can go to bed," Hisoka said, watching as you laid your head on his lap.

In response, you grumbled and shook your head, unable to form words because you were so comfortable and tired.

Much like Illumi, Hisoka doesn't care about you drooling on him. It's not like the both of you don't swap spit on the daily.


You and Chrollo spend a lot of time in silence together, so you falling asleep on his lap and vice versa is common.

Chrollo will be reading a book on the couch and running a hand through your hair, which relaxes you and makes you feel tired.

He wouldn't notice you were asleep until he tried asking you a question.

"Are you feeling hungry, love?" Chrollo asked, looking away from his book and at you. His hand was still running through your hair, deciding that he will order take out for the both of you so neither of you have to get up and cook.

Drool doesn't bother him at all, in fact, I don't think he even noticed.

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