𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 27

146 4 0

TW: None

Third person POV

It was their rematch against the team that broke their streak and everyone in the room was pumped up to win against them 2-0. It's weird how they are losing to weaker teams but never the strong ones at all except for Gen.G. Everyone was in the locker room having their lunch and chilling as their match starts at 5 pm KST. 

Everyone was chilling and doing their own thing. Sang-Hyeok resting, Hyun-Jun and WooJe chatting, the couple cuddling with each other and flirting non-stop with cheesy lines to make each other blush as much as possible. People online have supported the couple and even made fan art of them. 

As the time got closer, everyone gathers around and the coach start to brief them about the gameplan against KDF and how to execute it perfectly. The refs give us the signal and we got ready to move in front of the audience. This time, they didn't joke around like spring split and went in serious with everyone. 

Their games against KDF weren't smooth sailing. They lost game 1 but they won games 2 and 3 winning the series and getting revenge on them. They weren't happy with the result even though they won. If they want to get 2-1, it at most is Gen.G or DK but weaker teams have been able to win 1 game from T1 which is something unexpected from them. 

Min-Hyung POV:

Everyone wasn't that happy when we were losing a game, which means that our communication wasn't that strong with each other or our execution wasn't good enough. Guess we need to practice more. 

After the match against KDF, I and Min-Seok were invited to a podcast where they share their relationship, and since we are the first same-sex couple in LCK even though we are dating for 9 months already. It would gain an insight between the gaming industry and love. 

We sat down with the host(we will call her Jessie, a host who wants to give a voice to everyone and the latest news). "You guys can cuddle and relax, there will be no video on the podcast except our voices," she said and Min-Seok went to cuddle with me. She gives us a thumbs up and starts the podcast "Hey guys, Jessie here, and welcome to Jessie's podcast where I have some special guests from LCK. These two are the best bot duo who have beaten previous records and gotten spring MVP in one split. It's Gumayusi and Keria. We cheer for the podcast and she asks us questions like how did we fall in love with each other. I answer first to kick things off. "Who can't resist this cutie here? I first saw him when he enter T1 HQ. He kinda caught my eye and he was kinda quiet on the first day, made the first move and start to talk to him. I slowly fall in love and start to flirt with him before worlds last year." I said and it was Min-Seok turn to give his side of the question. "I have just gotten out of my first relationship and want to focus on my job but my boyfriend makes me wanna fall in love with him. He gentles with me and flirts with me every now and then. I want to make a move on him but he makes all the moves." 

Jessie smiled and continue the conversation. "How is your first date like and who plan it?" The memories of the first pop up and telling her about it "It was after last year worlds and snowing here in Korea, I call him out and went to a nearby place to eat and dance in the snow with boa Merry Chri and at the same time, I told my family about my relationship." we both smile as the memories of our first date pops up. "That song is nice to hear at Christmas, I am so happy for you guys. That must have felt like heaven between you two," she said and we are blushing already. "What is the reaction when fans have found out about your relationship?" This question took us a while to think about as there were so many moments about it. "Take your time to think, I can edit it," Jessie said to assure us that we can give an honest answer instead of a rush one. " Most fans have shipped us and sent their congrats to us when we reveal that we are dating, however, there are some that hate it and send us death threats online. As long as I love him, I am willing to bear the hate that I get," said Min-Hyung. "I never told my family about it and they found out from new sources about it, they were pretty mad that I didn't tell them but they still love me for who I am," said Min-Seok.


We had finished the podcast and we met up with the rest for dinner. Everyone was asking what was the podcast about. I told them to listen to it to find out what we talk about as Jessie was editing the podcast and posting it one week later. They kept on asking us about the podcast and we beat around the bush with it, teasing them at the same time. We had a great laugh and enjoyed dinner and are soon to scrim with others and make new gameplan for the upcoming meta. 

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