𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 25

136 2 0

TW: f slur, Fluff

Min-Hyung POV: 

After our victory against DRX, we were able to take the W from Gen.G and Fredit BRION before our match against Hanwha Life which is going to be an easy win for us. I have yet to plan another date for Min-Seok to destress him from our work or is he going to plan a date for me?

Everyone was getting ready for the match that would like a walk in the park for us and heavy favorite to win against them. Game 1 went smoothly and we won game 1. While game 2 was happening, the rune page that I lock in didn't appear and I request a referee which could be an in-game bug since I did my runes beforehand and it was 4 minutes into the game. I was hoping that we would have a restart and play with the correct rune but after 10 mins during the break, the referee denied my request for the rune change the game continued as normal and we lost game 2 to them. "Fucking bug diff," I said to myself since I can win their challenger Cheoni as it's his debut game. 

Game 3 begins and we were having fun killing their bot side 5-0, leading the game in our favor but the referee called for the pause and everyone was wondering why there was a pause out of nowhere. 

Apparently, it was Oner who had double smite when he shouldn't have and they are finding the solution for it. One did tell us that he did ask the ref about the issue but the referee didn't answer back so he continue the game. "Did someone pay the referee to screw us over? How can they do this to us" While waiting for the issue to be resolved? The delay was getting to us and there was a Chrono bread to 3:05 before the bug happen. No one told us that there was a Chrono bread all the game continue but we were not ready and called the pause to get ready. The delay was so long that HLE call for a pause for one of their player to go to the bathroom. I can understand why though, never have I ever seen a series that held more than 2 hours and we have delayed Gen.G vs Liiv SANDBOX game. 

The game resumed and we were able to dominate the game with ease. No one in the stadium was happy with the bugs that is happening in the game itself. When we return back to the locker room, people online spectacle that Oner was aware of the issue but did not report it to the ref and called him a cheater due to it. It's sad that fans who did not understand the situation started to attack him for no real reason other than seeing him suffer. We decide to pack our stuff and move back to the HQ to review the gameplay and learn from it.

Once we reach the HQ. I got a dm from Joe that Ashely from Korizen E-sports wanted to interview me via zoom call. She is a respectable person and an awesome interviewer as well, so I say yes to it. I sat in my stream room, turn on my computer and join the zoom call with Ashley Kang. She gives me a thumbs up to tell me that the interview is going to start and she starts the introduction. 

"Hey guys, this is Ashely Kang from Kroizen E-sports and today I am joined by T1 bot laner 'Gumayusi' as they went victorious against Hanwha Life E-sports 2-1. Hello, Gumayusi" and I replied back with a simple hi. "I want to talk about what happened a few hours ago where there was a pause during games 2 and 3. May I know what were you feeling at that point of that game?" She asked me and I took a few seconds to think about it and replied back. "Game 2 was a rune bug where It didn't save my runes and I raise the issue to the refs at that point but it was denied due to the fact that the game was already in 5 minutes. If it's the start of the game, I think they would grant my request and get the right runes. For game 3, Smite bug and the referee decided to chronobreak the game without telling us and restart our progress as we were leading the game with 5 kills. I didn't feel satisfied with my victory over Hanwha Life overall."  

She was nodding her head and proceeded to the next question "Recently, we have just seen you playing Draven often instead of other champions in the ad pool. Do you think it's the meta or does he suit your playstyle better? I respond back quickly "Draven is a champion that scales quickly and once you got multiple kills on him, he is unstoppable. No other champs can scale quickly as him and It's one of my pocket pick that I really want to showcase to LCK and stand out from the rest of the ADC in LCK." "Okay, this question might be personal to you, it's okay if you don't answer it. You and Keria have revealed that you guys are in a relationship ever since Spring. What was the outcome like?" "Let's go all out then since everyone already knew our relationship," I tell myself that and respond. "I do have the plan to reveal it with him but guess he spoils the surprise about it. It's tough being in a relationship, especially a homosexual relationship where it's not allowed in Korea. We have faced problems where we got called faggot online and people not approving our relationship and death threats sent to us. Also the same time, we can be role models for those who are struggling to come out to their families and get inspired by us and be who they are. Regardless of the situation, I want to know for my skills for the game instead of my personal life." I felt like I just gave a speech about LGBT to the entire world about it. Ashely decides to lighten the mood by jokingly telling "Keria has a lucky man by his side then. Last long with him and thank you for your time. Hope to see you again once you got POG." She nods her head thanking me and I nod my head back. 

Once the interview was over, I went back to Min-Seok's house where we are going to sleep together as normal. His brother opens the door and alert Min-Seok that I have arrived and I went into his room to get ready to shower and sleep soon. Min-Seok enters the room not too long after with only a towel on his waist. I was about to hug him when he stopped me and told me to shower first before I get to hug him. I went and take a quick shower to save time and spend more time with him. I re-enter the room and he is casually playing solo queue while waiting for me. I kiss him on the cheek and log on to my account and waited for him to play together. "Why did Joe ask you to stay back?" he asks as he is playing. "Ashely wanted to interview me about our game against HLE and she ask me about our relationship as well." He looks at me as his character died and respawned "What, how can she ask that question without consulting you first." he seems stressed about it but I reassured him "Baby, she did give me a choice if I want to speak out about it and I did. She also supports our relationship as well" as I point toward his screen that his character has respawned already. 

The game ended with him winning and he went to hug me. I accept the hug and kiss him on the lips, enjoying every single second that I have with him. We duo queue together and play till early morning.  


Thank you guys for 825 reads and 22 stars on this book, Never thought that this book will be popular at all when I first started it. Don't forget to vote to keep it at number 1 for T1. 

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