3 (Unconditional

Começar do início

"Mmmmm," Augustus hummed in Matt's ear, resting his head onto the smaller witch's shoulder. Gus had his hands pressed against Mattholomule's chest, but made his way up to his shoulders, gently cupping Matt's neck. Matt hesitated for a moment, then brought his arms around Gus's back. They stayed there a while, holding each other, wading in the shallow cove where they had spent so much time together.

"Hey, it's getting late." Matt said, breaking the comfortable silence. The sun had started to set over the horizon, and the boys were cast in a warm, yellow ray of light.

"Hm?" Gus cooed, moving his head ever so slightly.

"Look I love you, but we don't want to be out here when it's dark."

"Ooh you say you love me, do you?"

"You heard me, now let's go you big jerk. We can continue this at home."

"Fine." Gus returned in a defeated tone.

Pulling away from each other, the young witches swam their way to the cove's beach.

Gus grabbed Matt's hand once they were almost to the shore, gave him a kiss on the cheek, then playfully shoved Matt into the water.

"Hey! What was that for?!" Matt yelled.

"Nothing, just how you're making us leave this wonderful place." Gus replied, walking over to Matt. He held out his hand, offering it to the smaller Witch. Mattholomule took his hand, then immediately pulled it towards him to make Gus trip, toppling onto him.

Gus caught himself on top of Matt, then blushed furiously. Matt was on his back, his elbows keeping him from being fully submerged in the water. Augustus was hovering over Matt, his arms to the sides of his head. Both boys turned a deep shade of red, staring into each other's eyes as the waves lapped onto the shore around them.

"I- I'm sorry-" Gus stammered, trying to stand up.

"Wait" Matt wrapped his right arm around Gus's neck, pulling him close, whispering in his ear. Gus shuddered at hearing Matt's breath so close to him.

"Don't go." Mattholomule continued in an husky voice.

Breathing heavily, Matt turned his face towards Gus, just a touch away from his mouth. Tilting his head, Matt kissed Gus passionately.

The boys deepened the kiss, falling into one another. Neither wanted this moment to end, but they eventually pulled apart, panting.

Now sitting up in the shallow water, Matt moved to Gus's jawline, asking to go on. Augustus hesitantly extended his neck, allowing Matt to continue. Gus gasped as Matt started sucking and biting, moving from spot to spot, leaving purple marks all over his neck.

His breath hitched and his heartbeat quickened. "M- Matt" Gus spoke while shaking.

Matt stopped what he was doing, looking up worriedly at the anxious witch.

"That- that's enough n- now.." Gus stammered, his face growing hot.

Matt sat up taller, moving closer to comfort his shaking companion.

"Gus I-"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I don't know, I-" Gus's voice strained in his throat.

"Gus, it's my fault. I should have talked to you first."

Warm tears streamed down Gus's face.

"You don't need to feel guilty for something you're uncomfortable with. I should have asked if you were okay. I'm sorry." Matt explained in a steady tone.

Sitting in the low tide, Gus hugged Matt close, wrapping his arms around his frame.

The sun disappeared behind trees in the distance away from the cliffs, casting dark shadows and pink coloured clouds into the sky.

Matt loosened his grip around Gus's back, slipping away from his grasp. Gently grabbing Gus' hand, Mattholomule lead him out of the water and up a small green hill. They walked towards their previously left items in silence for a few minutes, then Gus spoke. "Does this change anything?...The way you feel about me?"

Matt stopped walking and turned to face the witch, taking both his hands in his own.

"I love you, unconditionally."

All my emotions feel like explosions when you are around

"All I care about is you being comfortable, and I am fine with whatever you are comfortable with. Today was one of the best days of my life, I'm not going to stop loving you just because you don't want that kind of intimacy."

And I've found a way to kill the sound, oh

"Thank you. I was scared you wouldn't feel the same as you did before." Gus responded, his tears slowing.

Matt gave Gus a gentle peck on his forehead, then held his hand again until they reached their bags —filled with their bathing suits and sunscreen that they didn't have a chance to use— at the cliff side.

Oh, baby, I am a wreak when I'm without you

The sun was gone, instead the bright crescent shape of the moon casting its way onto the water from the opposite horizon shone from starry galaxies.

I need you here to stay

"I'm cold." Matt halfheartedly complained.

"If only someone hadn't flung us off a cliff before we had the chance to change." Gus joked.

Matt smiled. He was glad his friend was feeling better. [Friend? Lover? Who knows at this point man-]

"Let's get out of here." Gus grabbed Matt's hand again, intertwining their fingers.

I broke all my bones that day I found you

And the two boys walked into the distance.

Crying at the lake


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[1422 words]




(Not me trying to avoid writing a making out scene)

You may be wondering what the lyrics are about, they're to Ricky Montgomery's "Line Without A Hook". I very much recommend, good song. Why are the italics not working???? 

Was listening to a random playlist and heard it and I think it fit the fic well, so..... -Marcel ;-;

Gustholomule OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora