1 (Confession

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okay! this is long overdue. welcome to this Gustholomule oneshot book, we love to see you here. this is future Marcel. i reply to comments if they intrigue me -most do-, especially if you have a request or question. each of these stories are carefully handcrafted by me, right here, starting just more than a year ago. I wrote 1(Confession because of a dear friend of mine, so it is old writing. I am still writing these stories as of late. mostly fluff and some angst; I do hope you enjoy. 

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Mattholomule jumped, his fingers just barely brushing the large branches' rough bark. "You know I can't get up there." Matt hated to admit it. Gus was just a bit taller; where he could easily grab onto the branch and clamber his way into the tree. He's always teased his smaller friend for the height difference.

Gus chuckled. "You know, if you just grew a bit, you'd be able to-" "Yeah! I know I know, shut up." Matt retorted, feeling his face becoming warm. His taller companion failed to hide a giggle, which made Mattholomule smile. He liked it when Gus laughed. "Now get up there and pull me up." Gus huffed, but quickly complied. Pulling himself up onto the Willow Tree's lowest branch, Augustus steadied himself, then bent down and offered a hand to Mattholomule. Matt took Gus' hand and was immediately hoisted into the tree.

"Okay so, what'd we come here for?" Matt questioned. They visited this tree often, Gus liked calling it "their own special place", but Gus knew they came here for a different occasion today. "I wanted to show you something." Matt looked quizzically at his friend. "Cover your eyes."

"Yeah, no-" Matt started to protest, but noticed the look in Gus' eyes. This seemed important to him. Mattholomule decided to follow as he was asked, covering both his eyes with his hands. "No peeking." Augustus ordered in a stern tone. "You know me too well." Matt jokingly added.

Gus drew an illusion spell in a circle around them, then rested his hand on Matt's shoulder to steady his friend. "You can look now."

Matt uncovered his eyes, then was struck by the most beautiful scenery he had ever seen. Orange, yellow, and red leaves covered the landscape for as far as he could see. The two boys were stationed in the same tree, but where before there had been a wheat green field, there were now rolling hills scattered with trees in colourful strips and formations that could have only been found in fairytales. In between the hills laid the indent of a great valley, set in a thick fog. Matt could have gazed at the landscape for hours, but he slowly turned his head toward his companion. Augustus sat back comfortably, contently staring at his creation.

"This is amazing, thank you." Matt felt the words slip from his mouth before he even realized. Gus turned to face Mattholomule, scooting a bit closer to his friend. "I'm glad I get to share it with you." Then, just as quickly as he had said it, Gus landed a gentle peck on Matt's cheek. Matt felt himself go violently red, all the while stuttering to find his words. "I- did you- Gus I-..." he trailed off. He'd wanted to confess to Gus for months now, he was so confused. Did Gus really reciprocate his feelings? Is this what friends do? Mattholomule was having a hard time composing himself, but he finally felt the red sheet lift off his face. "Gus, do you.. have those feelings for me?"

Gus quickly pulled Mattholomule into a warm embrace, burying his head in the crook of Matt's neck. "I'm sorry, I have for a while now. I- I wasn't sure if you felt the same and I didn't want to h- hurt you," Gus stammered his response through tears, hugging Matt tighter. Mattholomule felt a weight lift off his shoulders. "I'm glad you said something, I- I don't know if I would be brave enough to ask you before." Matt fought to hold back tears of his own. He failed.

Finally breaking the embrace, Matt used his sleeve to wipe away Gus's tears streaming down his face, also taking the time to wipe his own before going back to Augustus. "Damnit, you made me cry." Matt quipped while drying his own tears. "Yeah, well I knew I had to do something or we would never know. Getting to know you these past few months have been the best ones of my life." Gus replied, wholeheartedly.

The two boys shared another hug, then Matt rested his head on Gus's shoulder.

Only now one of his hands was set in between the two of them, intertwined with Augustus' fingers. The boys rested their heads together, continuing to cry lightly.

"Can I ask something of you?" Gus spoke after a while.


There was silence for a moment.

"...Can I kiss you?"

Matt looked up into Gus' eyes, relaying a loving look that Gus knew he would never forget.

"Of course."


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[757 words]

Bro tyty for reading!! This was my first fanfic and oneshot, but it was rly fun to write! This is probably really cringy, but ehh

I think Matt got a little out of character at the end I mean he wasn't acting like a literal prick but idk whatever you want to think idrc

Sorry if there's errors it's 1 am when I'm writing this.


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