28: Fear And Helplessness

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3rd person pov:

Bakugou pulls the curtain back. At first he only sees a computer with a long text screen. Bakugou begins to read, and realizes quickly. That this is how izuku communicates. It starts with the old text when he was first kidnapped. Then his pleads for help with the descriptions of the pain he feels. Then the long silence. Just dates charted. A video clip is there. So Bakugou clicks it.

<doctor walks in.

"So have you finally found the quirk mix our master needs to get stronger?"

Robotic voice:"A7, d20, z82, h29, q01, v56, and f02"

Doctor:"Regain life from feeding off negative emotions, light absorption, corpse takeover body make seven  minions out of the recently dead who have died in a graphic way, ghostly form that changes tangibility at will, heals others, and life drain. Great choice, but that many quirks might kill you."

"The pay off would be worth it. Wouldn't you agree?"


With that multiple needles are loaded in a device to inject him all at once. His body contorts in pain before he flat lines.

"Nomu! Keep him alive. We need to tweak the formula."

Two nonu work together and revive him, but not before a shadow emerges and strikes the doctor down in a brutal fashion. A hand grips his throat as he drys up like a husk. Bakugou reads the text below.

<I tried to die, but now I'm trapped in a loop of hell.>

Bakugou keeps reading until he sees the update from today.

<My wish will soon be fulfilled. I can feel my life slipping away. It's only a month ago that I found out the worst news. When I die, the quirk will go on a killing spree. It'll only kill because that's what it was built for. I've tried to push kacchan's rage to the actual point of killing me, because I know he'll be able to save everyone. Once it's defeated. My last bit of life's breath will heal everyone, and return things to normal. So please hurry kacchan. I don't even have the strength to see with it's sight anymore.>

Bakugou's eyes begin to water. So with a quick wipe. He turns around to open another curtain. The smell of rotting flesh hits him like a wall. Along with the sight of izuku's condition.

Body covered in sores, muscles so small that only bone is visible, his once chubby Cheeks have sunken in, hair matted from lack of care, tubes, i.v.s, his bones fused in wrong positions because they weren't set properly before healing.

A nomu walks up from behind bakugou. He turns around ready to fight. Only it keeps walking, and in its arms is two I.v. bags. Hooking it up to izuku as the other two empty.


Bakugou falls to his knees as tears flow down his Cheeks.

"Why, wh....y..... WHY DO YOU WANT ME TO KILL YOU!!"

He thinks back to their childhood,  times at ua, and even the time in the shower.

"I've already lost one person I love. Please don't make me lose you too."

Robotic:" I trust no one but you, because I love you kacchan. Become the number one hero, and carry our dream on. Okay?"

Tears roll from izuku's eyes, as he forces a small smile.

Right as bakugou reaches to wipe the tears away. The light cut off. One nomu powers a generator to keep izuku alive. The other heads for the breakerbox. Bakugou readys himself for a fight.

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