11: Fate

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3rd person pov:

Aizawa wakes up in perpetual darkness all around, arms bound above his head, legs dangling above the floor. Too existed to move. He thinks back wondering what happened.

^The faceless beast rips through his scarf to get to his throat. Once latched on, and claws dug deep. The sensation of losing strength rapidly hits him. Followed by sharp stabbing pain across his entire body. Kicking and punching in vain. Every touch fades threw like hitting air. Aizawa pulls out another flash bang. Only for the beast to slam him threw the wall and shatter the window beside it. Vision gets red from his eyes bleeding, hearing gurgle from blood, and breathing gets difficult from blood. In a last ditch effort. Aizawa pulls the pin. Since there's more light around. The monster retreats into darkness. Aizawa uses his scarf to slide down from the broken window. Landing in the shadow of the building. Laughter rings out before he's engulfed once more.^

Aiza:^So that's what happened. Why didn't it kill me?^

Heavy bootsteps echo all around. Giving no hints to where it's coming from. It's companied with a metallic sound.

*Psssssssss tick pssssssss tick pssssss CLICK!*

"So you actually survived. That means you've been chosen. One down, six more to go, but first pain is needed. So........shall we get started?"

The first thing to shine in the dark....... was the tip of a blade pointed less than an inch away from his left eye.

Meanwhile at ua, fresh hero graduates search the campus for their old teacher. Bakugou searches the halls with kirishima. Shoto searches with iida, sui, ururaka, and tokoyami in the dorms. Aoyama, Koda, shoji, denki, sero, and momo search classrooms. Jiro, shinsou, mina, and Minette search the cafeteria, library and other areas.

While walking the halls Bakugou sees the damage ahead of them first. Running to it, he looks for clues in the nurses office. Kirishima looks at the window.

Kiri:"I'm heading down to take a look below. Maybe there's a trail to follow."

Baku:"right. Meet me back here once  you find something."

Kirishima jumps down and sees drops of blood below along with a  brown curly hair. Short in size like a male hairstyle. There's also a button off of a shirt.the button is gold in color with a flower in the shape of a diamond. As kirishima heads back. The hair is blown away by the wind. So 8nstead of getting yelled at by Bakugou. Kirishima keeps what he found a secret, and puts the button in his pocket.

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