Chapter 5- Order

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"So I went to this fast food place," Zuma stated, "and they had two openings to thwow the twash into; one for gawbage, and the othew fow recycling,"

Hours earlier, a massive tragedy had occurred. Rubble's agonizing scream be heard all across The Lookout, and it became known just what happened as everyone picked up their heads in surprise.

They were out of pup treats.

Now Zuma, Rocky, and Marshall were on the most important mission of all, going to the store. The three dogs were casually walking by themselves down the sidewalk, it was nice to get away from the tower every once in a while. They could only take Chase's attitudes for so long, and Marshall himself needed a breather from all the chaos that had been going on.

"That's great!" Rocky chirped, hopping a little, "it's so nice to know that other places practice going green,"

"...but both went to the same twash bin," the Lab finished, "it litewally didn't mattew,"

Marshall could be heard barely holding in a laugh.

Rocky snapped his head to his partner, eyes widened in shock, "what? Why would anyone do that?"

"I don't know, customew appeal?" shrugged the brown Lab,

"A lot of places and companies like to make it look like they support or do something just for customer appreciation," Marshall explained, "it's funny. You think they care, and they say they care, but they don't."

The mixed-breed stared with a bewildered expression like his entire life's purpose had been shattered in four seconds. It was almost humorous how Rocky was near obsessed with what he called the "green movement," happily separating trash for recycling and making use of discarded items. Everyone knew he was pure-hearted for thinking such, but one dog in green wasn't exactly going to change the world.

"Wocky, you're about to-"

The mix suddenly slammed into a stop sign, as he was too distracted from Zuma's statement to watch the path before him. He stumbled backward from the impact, wobbling for a second before hitting the pavement. Marshall couldn't hold in his laughter anymore as he let out a massive wheeze, followed by an assault of giggles and laughing, "you're turning into me!" Zuma rolled his eyes and smiled softly, moving to help him up, "you okay?"

"I want to find that restaurant," Rocky growled in determination,


"I said I want to find that place and rip them a new one!" the mix snarled, accepting Zuma's paw as he was pulled back up.

"I'll save you tweats fow when you come back," the Lab giggled in amusement,

"I'm serious!"

"Didn't say you wewen't,"

Rocky grumbled to himself as they rounded a sidewalk corner, the shopping plaza was just a little ways away. As dogs, walks were always good for the soul, and some much-needed exercise was all Zuma needed to call it a day. At most, he was just amused at Rocky's blind confidence. It was entertaining to see his close friend get worked up over little things and then swear to change the world. Rocky himself didn't feel the same way. As far as he knew, he had a heart as large as a Great Dane, and he could conquer anything if he really tried.

"One day, Zuma," Rocky sighed, "one day you'll see how much I can really do,"

"Don't let Chase hear you say that," pointed the Dalmation, "he'll give you one of his looks,"

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