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There he was, leaning against his car looking as handsome as ever. Her breath caught up in her throat at a sight of him.

He was wearing grey oversized high neck sweater, with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows revealing his strong tan forearms, and black pants. His dark hair was dishevelled hiding his scar slighlty.

Her heart raced rapidly as she got closer to his gigantic form. She gulped the feeling of being scared and anxious.

"Good evening sweetheart. You look beautiful as ever." He grasped her hand in his large one and brought it closer to his lips. Her stomach flipped at the contact as her blush grew on her cheeks.

"Good evening Mr. Giovanni and thank you. It's pleasure to meet you again." She smiled slightly to hide her nervousness.

His eyes lingered on her cherry red lips before he tore his gaze off her and guided her towards his car.

"I'm very grateful for you to agree on my request. I'm sure the night will be memorable for both us." His words soared her heart.

She still couldn't believe that the man like him who had this dangerous look on his face all the time was being so nice and generous to her.

But how could she forget that suspicious call he did back at his home and the rumors she saw on the internet. It wouldn't be polite if she had refused his request of having dinner when he helped her in her vulnerable state.

He was nothing but a gentleman to her. But she was still cautious and tried to maintain distance between them.

The car ride was silent though Fiona stole some discreet glances at him. Especially sitting so close to him she could feel how strong and manly he was.

As compared to her frail form he was like a gaint.

She breathed out shakily and averted her gaze to the window not knowing what to say. She was always so awkward in starting conversation.

In her friends group at school her role was to sit, hear her friends talk and smile at their foolish acts only. She liked to observe more than saying anything. It always saved her from embarassing herself.

And now sitting with the handsome and powerful man like him she could never utter a single word.

Giovanni sensed that she was being nervous and shy. He wanted to hear her angelic voice again and again but seeing her fidgeting her fingers in her lap he didn't say anything.

He smiled internally when he noticed how she would sneak few glances at him and from time to time acting nonchalant.

This cleared his doubts about his looks in formal clothing. He was more than glad that his bambi liked what she saw.

But for him it was becoming impossible not to pull her into his lap and kiss those full lips of hers. His hands were itching to feel her softness again.

He stopped the car at their destination and stepped out to open her side of door. Fiona thanked him and got out with a smile.

Her brows furrowed when she looked at familiar area she was used to walk by. A look of surprise crossed her features.

It was her favourite resturant. She and her siblings had come here few times before just because the food here was delicious and was in her budget.

Whenever Garcia and Marco would score good in their studies she would collect her salaries to celeberate.

"I heard they serve best seafood and wine so decided to select this resturant. But if you want we can go elsewhere." Giovanni's voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

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