I let out a chuckle as Franky began running after them, wanting to see the Ninja. "Guess Franky couldn't hold his excitement in, anymore." I glanced over to Brook, Zoro, and Law. "What about you three? Aren't you curious about the Ninja?"

Zoro simply shrugged his shoulders and Law just glanced to the side. "I admit I am a little curious." Brook spoke up.

I shrugged my shoulders and began catching up to the others who took off. "Suit yourselves, I'm going to go see for myself."

As I reached the bottom, I saw a man sitting on the ground, crying out as tears were in his eyes. "You've come at last, Cat Viper..." I blinked rapidly as I stood there, wondering why he was chained up.

"Curse you! Why didn't you hand me over to the enemy and spare your countrymen?! Everyone who brought me food was grievously injured!" He began shouting, "My heart could scarcely take it! I was told this land was safe now, is that true?! If it fell to ruin while I was held here, I'll never... forgive you, KYA!"

I don't know much about ninjas but... he wasn't what I was expecting... Seems the others didn't either as they let out shouts. "THAT'S NOT WHAT NINJA'S ARE LIKE... AT ALL!"

They sulked to the ground as Zoro let out a sigh of disappointment while Law grabbed his hat, glancing away from the ninja.

"His head's too big..."

"He looks real slow."

"Is there a smaller guy... inside of him?"

"I refuse to accept that he's a ninja!"

The four complained, crumpled to the ground as the rest caught up with us. "Who goes there?" Raizo asked, "Are you invaders? Tell the truth, why are you here?!"

He sure does talk a lot... I sweatdropped. "It's Raizo!" Kin'emon exclaimed, the three happy to see their buddy.

"Kin'emon, Kanjuro, Lord Momonouske!" Raizo exclaimed happily as they ran up to him. "And you're all well!"

Kin'emon took off Raizo's chains as I noticed the four boys stopped grumbling. I looked over seeing they all had grimacing faces.

Raizo seemed to notice as well as he made his way over, "Hey! Why the sour faces? Is something wrong? You've all been glaring at me since you came in here!"

Luffy brought a hand towards his face, "Are you really a ninja?"

"What, are you questioning me?!" Raizo shouted in disbelief.

"Please excuse our friend's insolence."

"Worry not, the Straw Hat Pirates are fine allies. They saved our lives."

Kin'emon and Kanjuro spoke up, informing Raizo we are on their side. "Is that so?"

"If you're really a ninja, prove it." Luffy told Raizo, throwing his arms in the air. "Come on, throw a shuriken for me!"

He started imitating throwing a shuriken as Chopper jumped onto his shoulder. "And meditate under a waterfall!"

"Say 'Nin' and do some ninja magic!" Usopp demanded, pushing the two out of his way.

The two kept telling him to do things, overwhelming the man. "You're asking too much of me!"

"Show us your ninja moves, we wanna see them! Pretty, pretty please?" The three exclaimed together.

"Why do you pirates like ninja so much?" He asked, baffled by their behavior.

"It ain't because we're pirates, brother..." Franky spoke up, gaining his attention. "Ooooo... Super!" He raised his arms up, striking a pose. "From the day they're born... every man thinks ninjas are cool."

I let out a cough, glancing at him. "I'm not a man, and I wanna see too." I just wanna know if he can do what I've heard ninjas do.

He gave me a thumbs up. "My bad, all men and (Y/N)."

"Hey~ Ever gone out with a Kunoichi? A lady ninja?~" Usopp asked.

"Show us your jump training, leap over some bamboo shoots!" Luffy shouted, coming up beside Usopp in front of Raizo.

"You can do the Shadow Clone Technique, can't you?" Law asked, now curious as well.

"Do the thing where you hide in the ceiling and get stabbed by a spear." Zoro demanded with a serious look on his face.

This is too good, they are really putting Raizo on the spit with all their demands.

"Just do it already." Law ordered, slowly becoming impatient.

"What's the hold up?" Zoro asked.

"STOP!" Raizo shouted, causing everyone to freeze. "No, that's enough, stop imposing your ninja stereotypes on me!" And there's the snap. "Ninja don't say 'Nin-Nin', all of these ideas of yours, are fantasy."

"NOOOOO!" Usopp, Luffy, and Copper shouted, tears in their eyes as their fantasy of a ninja was crushed.

"So, no Shadow Clones...?" Law asked, his voice wavering as he grabbed his hat again.

"No fair! You got a body and no moves! How are you a ninja?" Usopp said, getting in his face.

Raizo sulked, "It's true... this physique of mine doesn't make me terribly popular with Kunoichi- HEY RUDE!" He cut his sentence short, realizing what Usopp said.

"Listen up, a true ninja master has a quiet, but resolute, heart. One who lives in the shadows does not put his techniques on display, ninjutsu is not a mere party trick-!" Raizo explained before looking at the boys and seeing them sulking in disapproval.


Published: 07/31/2022
Updated: 02:17:2024

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