Chapter 20

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I woke up to silence.

I fell asleep watching a movie, I didn't even realize I fell asleep. The movie was already off. I peaked at the clock that was in the kitchen, it was 4:27pm. How did I manage to sleep for so long.

I sat up on the couch, Turning on something entertaining.

"Hm I wonder what's Gajeel doing?". I stared at my phone tempted to pick it up and call him.

"No!, I must not give into the temptation". I stood up with my fist balled up.

It was still early, I grabbed a jacket, threw on some shoes. And headed outside. The breeze felt nice, as each time the wind blew I felt it hit my skin. I looked up at the sky as the sun wasn't fully peaked anymore. I walked to that park, where I remember seeing the mother and her children.

The park still looked the same, well I couldn't really expect a change especially one so quick. I walked to bench, I last sat at.
"Hi, there" I eyes everted to the right of me.  An average height man stood infront of me. He had blonde yellow-ish hair that stopped to his upper ear.

"Uh hi" I gave an awkward wave, but also trying to be friendly.

He took a seat near me, but not too close being though I don't know him.

"What's your name?" I tried to be nice.

"I think you'll find out soon enough, levy" he smiled.

Trying to hide my face because I didnt want to associate with him.

"H-how do you know my name?" He just stood up and walked off.

I didn't hesitate to hurry back home, I locked my door, and made sure my windows were shut.

"Gajeel" I said too myself I could no longer contain myself, I picked up my phone and called Gajeel.

"Hey gajeel?, can you please come over, maybe even stay the night?"
I explained to him my Encountering with the man.

I could hear on the other line, he was furious, and worried about me.

He hung up, letting me know he'll be here in a few minutes.

If we're being honest, I wasn't in a panic after I was home. I knew Gajeel would protect me, but I wasn't trying to be so dependent on him.

Not long after, I heard a knock on my door.

I peeped through the peep hole, it was Gajeel.

I opened the door.


"Where is he?, what does he look like. I'LL KILL HIM" Gajeel was full of Rage. His fist were balled up. His eyes were Darker than usual. They were filled with anger.

"Gajeel you have to relax." I grabbed his hand as I tried to calmed him down.

And it wasnt easy, he isn't the easiest to persuade to calm down.

"Gajeel let's just go to sleep, we have school tomorrow"

"Hmp Anyone who messes with you, will pay Levy"

We both sat on my bed, I stood up and kissed his head. Then pressed my head on his.

I laid down and gestured Gajeel to lay next too me.

As he laid down, I rested my head on him as he held me tight in his arms. We both tried out best to go to sleep. I went to sleep twice today, it was kind of hard. I wasn't really even tired.

Not long Gajeel was sound asleep. The rhythm of his breathing was so soothing. I drifted off the sleep not long after.

Hours had passed, and it was now 7am. I woke both Gajeel and I up, as we both got ready for school.

"You hungry?" I asked Gajeel

"Nah, but you need to eat tho"
Gajeel grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and sat it infront of me. As he grabbed the cereal and milk.

I quickly ate my breakfast. I didn't want us to be late already, we had just got back.

"Come on Gajeel, you're gonna make us late" I pretended to whine, and he just laughed at me.

We drove to school, talking and laughing with each other.
He was my peace.
We pulled up to school. I was about to get out of the car when Gajeel grabbed my arm.

"Aye shrimp, if anything Go down you need to tell me, don't hide it from me."

"Gajeel I will tell you, I promise I will"

"You better Shrimp" he kissed my head as we both got out the car.

Finally back in school. I had thoughts going through my mind,  like would my dream, really happen, would it come true.

I truly hopped it wouldn't, come down to anything. As I stepped into the school I prepared myself mentally.

I instantly felt like all eyes were on me. But as I looked around, no one was looking at me.

It was like someone eyes were piercing through me every part of me was being watched.

There was no way it was him.

As I the day continued, every move I made was being watched.

I headed to my locker to put everything away, as the day was almost over.

Honestly I never seen the point of these locks, that you have to keep twisting, and twisting.

I opened my locker, as white slip of paper fell onto the ground. I shoved my belongings into my locker, and reached down for the paper,

Do you remember me?, I seen you every second, every minute, and everyday"

I was being stalked. I stuck the slip into my back pocket. As walk to the front gate. Where I would meet Gajeel.
"Hey shrimp"
I gave him a hug and we walked towards his car.

The ride was silent, we did speak a few times, especially since Gajeels Graduation was coming up.

I know I told Gajeel, I would tell him if something happened, but I was scared to tell him.

"Thank you for the ride Gajeel, a tried to say cheerfully, I'll see you later, I love you"

"Gihee, I love you too Short stack".

I got out his car. Gajeel waited for me to go inside my house.

"See you later" I said one last time.

He drove off and I let out a sigh pressing my back against the door.

My heart was racing I was in a panic.

"Oh you're finally here"

It was him.


I drove off after Shrimp entered into her house. I hope she's already. I had a feeling that leaving her right now, was a bad Idea.

As I made it to a red light. I spotted a white piece of paper where Shrimp was.

I opened it and as I read it. I grew furious, rage came over me. And I wanted to murder everyone.

"SH*T, levyI clenched my teeth, and quickly turned around back in her direction. I didn't give a Damn if I got 3 Tickets. Levy needed me.

Chapter 20 completed, I sure did take 5 hours on this, getting distracted.

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