Chapter 4

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~~~~~~~We meet again~~~

I looked at her one more time before walking out her room. "I'll protect you shrimp" I said to myself and headed out the door.
~~~Levy's POV~~~
It's been two days since the incident and two days since I seen Gajeel. I told Juvia and Lucy about what happened and how Gajeel was there to save me. They kept on apologizing and saying they wish they were there with me and didn't wonder off.
Honestly I didn't Blame them because it was their fault. I was just careless and just had to be dumb and go somewhere by myself. At a party ridiculous right? I know.
I haven't texted Gajeel since he left his number at my house. I mean what could I even say, I wanted to thank him but I didn't know how to do that. I know he probably thinks I'm useless, or just some little girl who needs saving because I was careless. I just couldn't help but think about him.
'Maybe I should text him and just say thank you'. Maybe I should just leave him alone, "No come on Levy it's the right thing to do". I told myself trying to give myself confidence.
I pull on my phone, grabbed the paper and started typing in his number.
'Hey... um thank you for saving me'
(No no no I can't say that)
'This is Levy the girl you saved form the party'
(Ughh no Levy don't say that, that's weird)
'Hi this is Levy, thank you for helping me and staying over till I fell asleep that meant a lot'

"Hmm I guess that will do" I said to myself , I sent it, and waited a few minutes until I got a reply by.

Gihee I'm glad to hear from you shrimp and no problem.
I looked at his message and smiled it made me happy seeing his reply, and for some reason I just wanted him to hold me like he did on that night. I just wanted to sleep all day and read a book but I know I needed to get out the house. I haven't even been out this room.
I got out of bed and decided to take a shower.
When I got out the shower but went in my closet to put on something comfortable. I grabbed a white t-shirt, and a blue pair of leggings, I couldn't decide on a white hoodie or a gray hoodie but eventually chose the gray hoodie. I put on a gray headband and grabbed a book and headed out the door.
"Mom I'm off I'll be back soon, I love you" I yelled to the top of the steps talking to my mom.
"Ok sweetie I love you too and be safe don't forget your key"
I grabbed my house key and walked out the door. I was going to take my car and just drive around but today's just a nice day so I decided to walk.
After a few minutes of walking I came across a park. I noticed two little girl running around on the park while there mom sat on the bench with her baby in the stroller watching her kids run around. They were such a cute little family I couldn't help but giggle and walk up to them.
"Hi your babies are so cute" I said to the strange women
She looked at me and smiled
"Thank you very much miss"
"My name is Levy" I responded to her and smiled
"Nice to meet you, you can call me Marie"
She was wearing a black jacket and looked so pretty on her, she had long brown hair that flowed perfectly in the wind.
I decide to sit down next to her and pull out my book. After a few minutes of reading the lady called both of her children over to her gathered the toys the brung and go ready to leave, she looked at me and waved by, and I smiled and her, her children were looking at me and waved while giggling, I giggled and said "bye bye"
She Then left, I was just alone listening to the sound of wind in my ears, birds were chirping, I could hear the crickets in the grass and could see the leaves on the trees blows and move in the same Rhythm as the wind. It was so peaceful enjoying nature and just reading a book.
"Gihee, wassup shrimp"
I looked up and seen the same boy I was hoping to see, I looked in his eyes and couldnt help but get lost in them.
~~~Gajeel's POV~~~
I left the house and decided to go for a walk, I couldn't stop thinking about about the shrimp, and how she fit so perfectly in my arms, and how I just wanted to hold her forever.
I was walking around and lost track of time, I looked around and noticed a park, and someone at the park looked so familiar what a Coincidence huh.
I walked up to the girl sitting on the park bench and noticed that if was the shrimp, from what I could see she was focused on the book she was reading, she was just so beautiful, I barely even knew her, but yet cared so much about her.
"Gihee, wassup shrimp"
She looked at me and stared into my eyes,
She had two big beautiful brown eyes that complimented her face perfectly.
Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It will be more things happening I just had to get them to meet up again.

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