Chapter 15

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~~What's gotten into me?~~

I had sat Gajeels jacket on the couch.
We've spent the night together a good amount of times now. It was almost like it was normal.

I thought back to my dream, the child with black hair. It was just like Gajeels his dark, black, spiky hair.

Was the child suppose to be ours?

"Gajeel and I will have children?"I whispered blushing.

"Children?" Gajeel looked at me raising a brow.

"Nono wait, you got it all wrong" I shook my head waving my hands, so I wouldn't seem creepy

"Hmm I kinda like that thought" gajeel snickered

"Me too"

"What was that?" He teased.

"Shut up jerk" I gathered my clothes and rushed to the bathroom

"Who did he think he was" I slid down on the floor snugging my clothes to my chest.

When I got out the bathroom Gajeel was on the mini couch watching TV.

"Your not tired?" I stood in front of Gajeel

"I am actually" he scratched the back of his head.

"well get in bed" I whispered, it felt so embarrassed too say

"Huh?" Gajeel laughed

"Oh now you can't hear" I threw a pillow at him, we both began laughing.

We both got into bed, it fit both of us, gave us enough room, despite how large gajeel was.

"Err shrimp switch sides with me"

I was closest to the door than gajeel was.

"Okayy" I didn't object

I did something bold, and climbed on top of Gajeel. I don't know what was up with me. But with Gajeel I was ready to do anything. We both paused as I was on top of him.

"Shrimp if you keep teasing I don't know if I can contain myself" he looked up at me, not breaking eye contact.

" I'd like to test that theory" I lead more onto him

"Gihee shrimp, you're bold tonight"

He flipped us over. He was now on top of me. His body hovering over me. His crimson eyes meeting mines... "you sure you want to test that theory?" He grinned at me.

I hesitated before I responded "I am"


He bent down till his lips met mines and for a few seconds it felt different than the times before, why was this truly happening, we weren't even together after all this time. I questioned as we continued. He slowly slid his hand up along my thigh. I didn't give him any signs of rejection. So he continued when I Gave him the go.

What were we doing?
He continued to slide his hand till his fingers met my shorts lines. He stopped kissing me.

He looked up at me, his eyes meeting mines once more, before he leaned down towards my neck.

"Gajeel..." I pleaded

What was going on with me? How bad did I want this? was this even right.

He looked up at me one more time before slowly kissing my neck.

My heart was racing. He was leaving a trail along my neck, but making sure it wouldn't be noticed.

I grabbed his hair. Making sure not too pull on it too hard.

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