Chapter 7

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~~~ Mom Meet Gajeel~~~

~~~Levy's POV~~~
Before I unlocked the door I look at Gajeel to make sure he was Alright. "Ma I'm homeee" I yelled in the house joyfully. Being in my moms presence always made me happy, especially after a hard day.
"Hii honey, how was school?"
"Well it was something I guess"
My mom walked around the corner greeting me with a hug when she noticed Gajeel standing at the front door.
"Well well Ms. Lev who's this young man?" My mom had the most Mischievous smirk.

"Ma'am I'm Gajeel, Gajeel Redfox".
Gajeel spoke so nervously I couldn't help but giggle out loud.
"Well it's nice to meet you Gajeel?, so what do you want with my daughter?"
Gajeel and I were both stunned.
"Uhh Ma'am I met Levy at the party, it's not what you think, I would never harm Levy in any way"
"I believe you, I just wanted to see what you would say"
see when Gajeel was talking he was talking so Genuine like he truly meant every word. My mom told that she seen Gajeel open my car door and helped me out. See like I told her before Gajeel my look scary but he's a gentle men, kind of what I love about him.

"Gajeel I trust you, break that trust and I will kill you" my mother said smiling.
"Levy" my mom whispered to me "you remember when the Taser and gun is right?"
My eyes widened but I understood why she asked. I whispered back "yes I remember" I smiled at my mom because I knew she would always be here to protect me. When it was around 5:30 my mom had approved that Gajeel could stay, but she wanted me to check in with her.
"Gajeel you Ok? You haven't been talking much" Gajeel was sitting on the couch next to me he was pretty quiet I figured he was shy because it was the first actual time he met my mom.

When my mom left Gajeel was more relaxed. Since he didn't have any clothes to sleep in he had to drive home, since he lived a few minutes away it was no problem.

"I'll be back Levy give me 20 minutes"
"Okay drive safe"
When Gajeel left I headed up stairs to take a shower, "OmG OMG, this is the first time I had a boy stay over what do I do, what do I do?" I started panicking in the shower, I mean what do you expect this is the first time ever.

But I trusted Gajeel

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But I trusted Gajeel. After a few minutes of talking to myself I started washing my hair, he just stayed on my mind. As soon as I get out I'm text Juvia and Lucy, they won't believe this.

The hot shower hitting my body was nice, it was relaxing it made me feel calming. And the scented candles made me more relaxed. When is Gajeel getting back it's been so long.
As soon as I stepped out the shower I hear knocking at the door. Gajeel seriously why couldn't you come like 15 minutes later. I know I was just complaining but I change my mind. I quickly put on my towel and rush to open the door.

When I opened the door Gajeel blushed and looked away. "I uhh Shrimp your towel is falling" oh shoot I look down apologizing as I ran up the stairs.
"I hope Gajeel don't think I was trying to Seduce him" ughh
I grab my Pjs and head down stairs
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"Gajeel do you want to watch a movie, maybe Lion King?" "Yeah sure Shrimp let me get changed first" I told Gajeel he could get changed in my room since there were only 2 rooms that didn't have junk in it

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"Gajeel do you want to watch a movie, maybe Lion King?"
"Yeah sure Shrimp let me get changed first" I told Gajeel he could get changed in my room since there were only 2 rooms that didn't have junk in it. Mines and my moms. When Gajeel got down stairs I already ordered pizza.

After a few hours of watching movies, eating pizza just, laying together on a couch. We had fun I really enjoyed myself. I never wanted this night to end.

Omg I just said laying on the couch together, it's not what it sounds like I promise.

Gajeel it's getting pretty late we should call it a night.
I head up stairs and grab two pillows from my bed I had so many pillow that there were even some in my closet.
"Here you go, 2 big blankets and 2 pillows, is that enough?"
"Gihee thanks Shrimp didnt know you loved me so much" his comments made me blush 'jerk' I whispered
He was right tho I did love Gajeel, not in the romantic way but I did.
"Goodnight Gajeel we have school tomorrow so get some sleep" I exclaimed heading up the stairs.
"Night shrimp"
When I got in bed I couldn't get Gajeel out my head. Ughh what's wrong with me. Wait I total forgot to text Lucy, uhh I'll just tell her in the morning. I get under my blankets and drift off the sleep.

Where am I, I look around and I'm in woods it's dark my surrounding area dark. I can only hear the sound of my footsteps. Help I cried out. Anybody? I ask out, I hear 3 extra foot steps behind me. "You to far from home little girl" I hear someone say, it sounded like there was a women with them. I began running, Running, running, running. Somebody help! HELP ME!
~~~ End Of Nightmare~~~

~~Gajeels POV~~
I wake up from the sound of screaming
"The hells going on" I rub my eyes checking my phone. It's 2:36 in the morning.
I hear yelling again. It's Levy LEVY. I run up the stairs and see Levy squirming and yelling.
I run over to her.
"Shrimp Shrimp SHRIMP, it's ok it's ok I'm here I'm here".
Shrimps eyes open wide, she looked terrified. I couldn't even begin to picture what she was dreaming about.
I couldn't even ask her anything I just hugged her while she cried.

A few minutes later she told me what happened In dream. I wanted nothing more than to protect her. She was scared and looked so helpless, I want to be the one who protects her. When she begins to fall asleep again after almost an hours. I hesitated to get up. "Gajeel" I looked down seeing Levy nudge on my hair.
"Gajeel please stay, I don't want to be alone" I just nodded my head and got in bed with Levy. She turned around to face me, she got closer to me and like an instinct I just held her. Her hair smelled like sweet oranges. Her blue hair shined in the night, she was perfect. Her soft snores let me know she felt safe. She was calm again. She was just so small I wanted to hold her all night, and never let go.
"Goodnight shrimp I'll be right with you", I said falling asleep.

Ok how was this? I hope not to bad.

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