I feel like i should interfere but my sociopathic side is agreeing with Romeo at this moment.

"Your mom doesn't give a shit about you, Romeo. After you turned out everything she didn't want." She scoffs. "She likes Ilaria and Matteo and the twins but she doesn't fucking like you. Your cause her too much stress. You make her cry too. She came to me crying about you hundreds of times."

"Stop it." Romeo raises his voice.

"She hates you, Romeo."

Romeo pulls the trigger and the fucker put a silencer on it so i could barely hear it. He drops the gun, staring at what he did.

Juliana groans in pain, i couldn't see where he shot her from this angle but she was still alive.

"Your mom wished you were fucking dead, kid. Her life would be easier without you. She hates you-"

I pull my gun out of my pocket, shooting her straight in the face to shut her up.

"Your mom has never said such a thing, Romeo." I look at him.

He looks at me, looks at Juliana's body, a bullet wound in her face, a bullet wound in her stomach.

One of my men run over but i send them away.

"We can't tell mommy."

"No shit." I take the gun off him. "This is the last time i'm telling you this, Romeo. If you steal my guns again, i am going to tell Arabella and she won't be happy. I told you not to do this stuff."

He moves away from me, "Papa you should know." He raises his voice. "You tell me not to do it but i can't help it. You should know." His little lips pout slightly, like Arabella's do before she cries. "Nonna hurt me, hurt mommy." He chokes on his words. "She deserved it."

"Then you could have asked me to do it, Romeo. Your mom doesn't want you to be a killer-"

"It doesn't matter. I'm going to be one, papa. I'm too much like you." He walks away.

When he was three and four i thought he was clever but now, it's amazing. He remembers literally everything, he can read books so quickly and then recite them back to me simply by opening a page. He's six at the moment but he's twelve in his mind.

I grab him, "Okay, fine. You killed someone-"

"You killed Juliana. She was still alive after me."

This kid.

"Fine. You wanna be like me, Romeo. What do you do with the body?"

"Asher sometimes gives it to the pigs." He blinks, "Or at your warehouse."

I'm not going to ask how he knows that.

"And then what? Let it rot so it smells out the place. If you do that the police will get called, you'll go to prison, i'll go to prison and then your mom will be fucking mad."

"Romeo what's going on?" I hear Arabella behind me.

I pick Romeo up, shoving both of the guns in my pocket. "Nothing." I walk to her, "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, Alek said you left to come over here." She fiddles with her necklace. "Is he okay?"

"He's fine, just a little tired-"

"Mommy i just killed nonna." Romeo spits out.

Oh for fucks sake.

Arabella walks behind me, she gasps and then quickly turns away.

Romeo seemed relieved after he told her.

"What happened?" She looks at me. "And why are you lying to me, Roman?"

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