Chapter III : Curtain Call Lucio Allegro

28 4 1

3rd Moon

26th Phase


9:45 am

Upon reaching the second floor, I was finally presented with the mahogany door where I was to meet with the man in charge for today. Without further delay, I slowly pushed the door open, creaking, as the interior of the room became visible to me, welcoming me inside to enjoy the warm and comfortable atmosphere it brought upon itself. In its delightful presentation accompanied however a mysterious lone figure, sitting behind the desk, the sunlight penetrating throughout the glass panes that gave him the long shadow that loomed over the entire room. He appeared to be in the middle of some deep thought, not paying mind to his surroundings as I stood at the entrance. No, I believe the correct term should be brooding, for his face was as serious as it could have been, and his lips quivered rapidly.

With his arms crossed and his head stooping towards the desk, the only sound that could be heard was the crackling of the fireplace and the ticking of the grandfather clock. Remembering the words Ciarda shared with me, I settled myself on a chair and waited near the fireplace until he had was done. Perhaps it was a case he had been working on? Or maybe he was performing mental exercise as he waited for me? Whichever the case may be, I waited patiently until he was done.

It was not until three minutes passed when he finally opened his eyes, when he became aware of my presence. And with a quick glimpse, he already knew who I was.

"Ah," he finally said, "so you're the fresh blood we were expecting. I apologize on behalf of the Director for not appearing for today's meeting. He has been away for some time, for some urgent matters had arisen, and he had to attend it as quickly as possible."

"So I heard. Which is why I was told that you would be attending me for these few days."

"Hm, so you've been informed. Good, then this speeds up things considerably."

He was a man of average stature, being roughly the same height as me. He had a somewhat wide chest, but not wide enough to be overbearing. His hair was mid length, silky and had a tone of caramel. His beautiful eyes were as brilliant as the color of the sun, and his naturally handsome face was further accentuated by the beauty mark he had on his left cheek. His dress code showed a simple but comfortable attire. A lavender turtleneck sweater, some black pants and some brown boots, with his hand accessorized by a small silver ring.

"Er Ms. Hawkins? You seem to have gone daydreaming for a second there. I hope that you aren't wont to do this sort of thing when you start working with us. In any case, you appear to be late."

"I apologize. I was dragged a bit because certain events transpired on my way towards here."

"Was it Okeanos who brought you here?"

"Yes, why?"

"Then never mind," he shook his head.


"I was told that someone was assigned by the Director to pick you up, but I was not aware that it would her. If there was any other reason, then there would have been issues. But seeing Okeanos was your escort, it would be fair to conclude that you got dragged into her nonsense."

"You could say that," I said sheepishly.

He gave a sigh.

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