41: Insanity

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(A/N) SURPRISE!! Here's another 5 new chapters that I hope you all enjoy reading!

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This chapter contains situations that may be triggering to some individuals involving torture and implications of sexual assault.



It had felt like an eternity since I had arrived here and I could feel myself slipping more with each passing second, closer and closer to insanity. The lack of sleep and food wasn't even the worst part. I would take laying on the cold tiled floor of the closet in the dark over what Aurora did to us during the day hands down. Every muscle, ligament, and bone in my body seemed to ache and I could barely even move at this point. The clanking of the door opening was something I shuttered at, something I absolutely dreaded each and every second. Suddenly I heard it, the loud footsteps stomping towards me, my heart racing. The door opened, the dreaded clanking ringing in my ears as the flashlight shone down on me. The man grabbed me, dragging me out and down the hall to the bright white room. I groaned as he let me fall into the metal chair, every inch of my being on fire as the pain coursed through me.

"Looking terrible Harp." Aurora stated causing me to look at her, my eyes stinging from the lights

"Fuck you." I growled back

She laughed dryly as she stood and walked around the table and ran her fingers through my hair before brushing it behind my ear "Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad idea considering nothing else seems to be working."

I flinched away from her and kept my head low, both of us silent for a moment.

"Hmm didn't like that idea did you?" She laughed going directly behind me and placing her hands on my shoulders and sending chills down my spine as she leaned in and whispered "Maybe I should fuck Talia in front of you, how about that?"

Using every ounce of strength I had left I reached back moving my arms around the back of her neck and pulling her head down hard. Her neck hit my shoulder causing her to let out a loud gurgled scream. I held her in place, her breathing extremely shallow as two of the guys came over and pulled us apart.

She fell back into one of them, sputtering out "Fucking bitch! You're gonna pay for that!"

I shrugged and glared back at her "I already am."

She paused staring back at me and then weakly laughed "Knock her out boys we need to get going soon anyway."

Get going? Going where?

One man held my arms tightly as another approached, no syringe in hand with a devious look on his face.

"What are you-" I started to say before he wound up pulling his fist back and then straight at my face, unconsciousness taking over in an instant

~4 Hours Later~

When I came to I instantly looked around and was surprised to see Aurora and Talia sitting across from me. Everything was slightly blurred but as I looked around I realized we were definitely on a plane, similar to Parker's, but much less nice.


My heart ached as I thought of where she might be right now, I mean if she was even still alive that is.

"Good afternoon Harp, glad to see you could join us." Aurora mocked as she smiled back at me

I looked over to Talia who looked... completely and utterly fine...

"Talia?" I questioned looking her over and noticing that she was in a nice clean white t shirt and jeans

She looked down avoiding my gaze until I turned back to Aurora "What's happening right now?"

"Talia has wised up and decided to join us. Considering that you refuse to help me find Parker so you two can be released, I can't say I blame her." Aurora stated with a shrug

I stared over at her "Seriously?"

She shrugged and looked out the window seemingly unable to even look at me.

~3 Days Ago~

"Where is Parker?" Aurora asked looking over at me as she paced the tiled floor

"I told you I don't know." I mumbled out unable to even keep my eyes open

I felt the familiar blow to my left cheek, the pain coursing through me as my head fell slack once more. I could taste the metallic crimson in my mouth so I swished it around. I then spit at the ground, peeking over I could see the red splatter that contrasted against the pure white that constantly surrounded my suffering.

"Why don't you just tell me and end this?" Aurora questioned clicking her tongue as her footsteps stopped directly in front of me "Just tell me where she is."

"I don't know where she is!" I yelled out looking up and meeting her gaze "I've told you a million fucking times that I don't even know if she's alive so can you please just shut the fuck up or ask a different question."


A man walked out of the back balancing three plates as he approached us. He set one down in front of each of us on the shared table before doing a literal bow and then turning and heading back to the door. I gave Aurora a curious look and then stared down at the food that smelled heavenly. The plate was filled with bacon, eggs, toast, and hash browns.

"Let's all be civil and enjoy our brunch together." Aurora stated before picking up the fork from her plate "Im sure you could use a meal, am I right Harp?"

I hate when she calls me that.

Without replying I picked up my fork and went straight for the eggs, taking a big bite that tasted exquisite. We all ate in silence for awhile and I was trying my best not to devour everything in minutes. I knew it would fuck my stomach up since I hadn't eaten in days. I took a break for a second as I reached over and grabbed my water bottle, taking a small sip before staring at the label. It was off brand, blue background with white lettering and had been the only water I was given from when I arrived at that god awful cabin until now.

"What are you thinking?" Aurora questioned causing me to look up at her

I shrugged and screwed the cap back on before leaning back in the chair.

"So I understand you're not going to tell us where Parker is, either because you really don't know, or the obvious, which is that you two are lovers or whatever you may want to call it. My proposal to you is that you stop with the tough act and realize your options are extremely limited just like Talia's." She paused leaning back casually "So why don't you just agree to at least try and work with us on finding her. You'll get meals like this three times a day, no more beatings, you don't have to sleep in a closet, I mean it's an all around win win if you ask me."

I paused, my head spinning as I stared back at her and I shook my head "I'm never going to help you Aurora so you may as well stop trying to get me to."

"My name is Sam," she stated glaring me down "and you're really going to regret that decision."

I shrugged crossing my arms over my chest "At least I won't be a spineless traitor."

I glared over at Talia who finally looked back at me, an unrecognizable look behind her gaze.


(A/N) Please don't forget to like, comment, and follow! It really does help and I appreciate you all so much! ❤️

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