18: Pants on Fire

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When she had returned, Parker hooked me up to a lie detector that she explained was "accurate to a tee" and impossible to fool.

I have nothing to hide from this woman but I'm still extremely fucking nervous by the idea of all of this!

"You're very sweaty, you know that right?" She stated looking me over before taking a seat across from me

"I'm nervous." I mumbled out as she watched me carefully

She gave me a look "There's no reason to be nervous unless you have something to hide."

I looked down at the wires attached to my hands and shrugged "I see being taken to a secret room on a secret floor to be questioned by my boss who has a gun to be a good reason to be nervous."

"I suppose," she shrugged "shall we begin?"

I nodded "Yeah let's get this over with."

She clicked a button on the machine and it made a ding noise slightly higher pitched than that of the elevator.

"What's your name?" She questioned

"Harper Bardot." I stated giving her a confused look

She pressed a green button and it made the same high pitched ding as before with green being displayed on the screen.

"Now I want you to tell me a lie." She stated looking over at me

"My favorite color is brown."

She pressed the red button and it made a dunna dun noise with red displayed on the screen.

"Perfect, now let's get started." She stated, a serious look on her face "How did you hear about this internship?"

"When I did research for my project on the company I became super interested in working here." I stated


The screen lit up green and she gave me a look "Okay but the internship specifically?"

I thought back trying to remember where I had first heard about it.

~1 Month Ago~

"Oh my god Harper do you remember that company we did the project on?" Aurora questioned looking at me over the top of her computer

"The West Company?" I asked giving her a look as she nodded "Of course it's only my literal dream to work there."

"I know, I know, okay so they're doing interviews for a marketing Intern!" She exclaimed in excitement

"No way!" I replied excitedly getting upset and going over to look at her screen

She was on some social media site though which caused me to give her a look and her to laugh "I didn't find out about it right now, I heard earlier today, damn you're hyped about this."


I could feel my stomach turning as a thought entered my mind that maybe the person in question was one of my best friends.

"Aurora told me about it." I stated breaking the silence


She looked back at me her eyebrow raised "Are you starting to connect the dots now?"

"Yes." I stated


I glared over at the machine and then turned back to her "So this is about Aurora?"

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