6: Literal Point

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I was currently seated across from Ms. West as she scrolled through her e-mails she had been neglecting during the tour. It was hard not to stare as I could now for the first time clearly see her face without worrying too much about her noticing my gaze. Her jaw line was absolutely to die for and it complimented her high cheeks bones, plump lips and piercing eyes in the most exquisite of ways. She is truly beautiful and I can honestly say I've never been so obsessed with the minor details of another persons face the way I am with hers.

"Nothing important." She stated before turning her attention back to me "Sorry about that, so what did you think of the tour?"

"I think it was a lot to remember but I definetely won't forget not to go on the fifty second through sixtieth floors." I laughed

She rolled her eyes "Good to know, but seriously besides that, what did you think? Was it what you expected from your research?"

"Yes and no." I replied with a shrug

She gave me a curious look "Care to explain what you mean by that?"

"Well I guess that like in theory everything is exactly as it said it would be you know, but everything's actually real. It's different when you see things for yourself and I've gotta say I was not expecting it to be, I don't know how to explain it."

"Interesting." She mumbled out in barely a whisper

"Hmm?" I hummed understand response

She shook her head "Nothing, alright, so what I want you to do next is I want you to come up with some potential ideas and bring them in tomorrow to present to me."

"Like in a power point?"

"However you'd like I just want to hear your best ideas."

"Okay I'll be ready to present them to you first thing when I get here tomorrow." I nodded to her

"Sounds great, you're all done for today then."

I stood and smiled at her "Okay, have a good night Ms. West."

"You as well, oh and Ms. Badot?" She called just as I had turned to leave

I spun back to face her "Yes Ms. West?"

She shook her head "Sorry nothing, I'll see you tomorrow."

I have her a weird look and nodded "See you tomorrow."

Well that was weird.

~Later That Night~

"There's eight floors that are off limits?" Luna questioned giving me a strange look

Aurora now cut in "That's really fucking weird, like weirder than the whole CEO running intern interviews thing."

I rolled my eyes "I'm sure there's a logical explanation guys."

"Then why didn't she just tell you! Like hey don't go on these floors because there's I don't know what because it's a secret!" Luna exclaimed

I couldn't help but laugh "I really think you're just over complicating it. It's really a simple rule to follow and it's none of my business, literally."

"I hate when you make that dad joke." Aurora stated rolling her eyes at me

"What dad joke?"

She did finger quotes "Literally."

"Yeah but I literally don't own the business and it's none of my business."

"I understood the joke!" She laughed holding her hand up to get me to stop "It wasn't funny before and the explanation did not help. Please tell me you don't make these jokes at your fancy new internship."

"I don't think I do but either way you're being rude!" I whined

She shrugged "You're way more mean to me."

"Yeah I guess you're right." I laughed before turning back to my notebook

It had proven to be much more difficult than I expected to come up with ideas to market for the West company beyond what I already had. I stared at the page and tapped my pencil on the desk and then suddenly a great idea came to mind. I started writing as quickly as I could, scared I would forget before I could get it all down on the page.

~The Next Morning~

"Good to see you've returned for day two." Ms. West greeted me as soon as I entered her office

I gave her a weird look "Why wouldn't I return for day two?"

She shrugged "Are you ready for your presentation?"

"Yes ma'am." I replied setting my bag down and pulling out my laptop

She watched me as I worked, opening the laptop and then clicking on my presentation before spinning it to face her.

"You decided to go with a power point I see." She stated with a small smile playing on her lips

I nodded "Yeah is that okay?"

"Of course, you can begin whenever you're ready."

"So I decided to really focus on our ability to expand outward to different regions and found that our best prospect would be to expand into the north eastern part of the country where they are currently experiencing a shortage in real estate employees." I paused hitting the space bar to go to the next page that displayed the diagram I had designed "My proposal is that we hire a couple of agents, start small, get our foot in the door, really get our advertising teams working on this project and then continue to grow at whatever rate seems logical and efficient." I pressed the space bar again it displayed the word community "Now on the other side of things we also have the opportunity to change the more local north western perspective of us and our business through customer relationship marketing and our involvement in the community." I pressed the space bar once more and pictures from many of the charitable events that The West Company had been apart of now were on full display "The West Company already does so much for its community and I really think there's endless possibilities of where we can go with using that in our marketing." I clicked the space at once more and the questions slide popped up "So any thoughts or questions?"

She remained quiet for a moment, seemingly calculating everything in her head "So this is really what you came up with day two of your marketing internship?"

"Uh," I squeaked out "yeah."

"Absolutely incredible," she breathed out "it's going to need a few tweaks and obviously we're going to have to bring the ideas to the marketing meeting to be discussed but I'm really impressed."

"Wow, uh, thank you!" I smiled feeling my heart rate slow ever so slightly in an instant

"Don't thank me for you doing amazing work." She smiled "So do you have any other ideas you'd like to share?"

I nodded pulling out my notebook "I just have them written down though."

"That's perfectly fine, let's go through them one at a time." She smiled as she leaned back in the chair maintaining her focus on me


(A/N) Please don't forget to like, comment, and follow! It really does help and I appreciate you all so much! ❤️

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