2: Sweaty Palms

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(A/N) I hope you're enjoying the book so far! ❤️



My mind had been reeling over my conversation with Ms. West for the past two days straight. She hadn't even said a word about my response, not a single word! I mean she had invited me back for round two of the interviews but what in gods name was she thinking after I dumbly blurted out such a dark story? I mean seriously most of my friends at school hardly know what happened back then and I felt the need to tell my potential boss during round one of interviews?

What the hell is wrong with me?

My mom and brother had both been extremely excited and proud that I'd made it past round one but I was growing more and more nervous by the second for round two. The thoughts that clouded my mind got pushed into the back burner as I spotted the West Company Tower. It was one of the tallest buildings in the city and made entirely of metal and glass giving it a very modern look.

I mean duh Harper, it's a fucking sky scraper, thats what they look like dumbass.

I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts and turned into the parking garage, stopping at the gate where a young man stood.

I rolled down my window and he leaned over smiling at me "Hello miss, do you have an ID card?"

"I don't unfortunately, I'm actually here for an interview with Ms. West." I stated causing his eye brows to raise ever so slightly

He nodded and turned grabbing a clip board "Name?"

"Harper Bardot." I responded nervously

He checked something off on the board before turning back to me "Alright Ms. Bardot, park on the third level and then go straight through the third floor doors to the reception area."

"Okay thank you!" I replied smiling wide as the gate went up allowing me to pass through while I rolled up my window

I followed the arrows up two ramps to the third floor and parked as close to the entrance as possible. I looked down at the clock and saw that it was now 11:41 and took a deep breathe. I reached over, grabbing my resume and cover letter off the passenger seat before getting out of the car and shutting the door. As I headed towards the entrance I could feel my heart pounding inside of my chest as the nerves started to really kick in. I reached out and opened the door revealing a large waiting room with two receptionists on either side typing away on their computers, both remarkably similiar looking to one another. They were both blue eyed blondes with fair skin, their distinct features unable to be made out from this distance.

Both smiled and in synch said "Welcome to West towers how can we help you today?"

Creepy as fuck but okay...

"I'm here for an interview with Ms. West scheduled for noon." I responded giving them a weak smile

One raised an eyebrow at me while the other aggressively typed something on her keyboard.

The aggressive one smiled as she looked back up at me "Harper Bardot I presume?"

"Yes that's me." I smiled walking closer to her

I heard the other receptionist instantly return to whatever it was that she had been doing before with the tip tapping of keys.

"Ms. West is currently in a meeting but she'll be out shortly to get you, please have a seat while you wait." The girl smiled

I noticed now that I was closer that she was strikingly beautiful with freckles the other woman lacked. They contrasted against her pale skin, her long wavy blonde hair hanging loosely and her ocean blue eyes piercing through me. I felt myself staring for more than a touch too long so I smiled and muttered a thank you before scrambling to a seat in the corner.

I could now quite literally feel my palms sweating which made me even more nervous at the thought of shaking Ms. West's hand with sweat dripping from mine. As I thought about shaking her hand I realized that in all my project research and interview preparation I had never seen a single picture of Ms. West and I was now extremely curious what she would look like. As I tried to picture her I couldn't help but picture the middle aged blonde woman from my microeconomics textbook.

My thoughts were suddenly cut short by the sound of a door opening and slamming shut. My eyes instantly shot up and were then captivated by the most beautifully exquisite woman I have ever seen in my twenty one years of life. She had tanned shade of copper tone skin and wore a full form fitting black suit complete with a slick black tie to match. Her figure was that of a super model, no it was better, it was so unique, so original, so perfect.

"You must be Harper Bardot, it's a pleasure to meet you." The Greek goddess stated, extending her hand out to me

As I felt myself crashing back to earth I remembered my earlier fear and straightened out the fabric of my dress as I stood before shaking her hand as firmly as I could muster up the strength to.

As I met her intense gaze I felt my throat constricting causing my response to be somewhat of a gasp "It's a pleasure to meet you as well Ms. West."

She gave me a curious look, her hickory eyes holding a mystery as she was seemingly baring into my very soul. I was held captive, unable to move under her gaze.

She rescinded her hand and waved for me to follow her "Right this way, we'll be conducting the interview in my office."

The transition was so angrily she had gotten a good five step lead on me. I finally regained functionality of my legs and sped to catch up. I followed closely behind her and couldn't help but check out her ass that swung in rhythm with her long silky brown hair. As she paused to open the door I instantly looked up and thanked whatever exists that she hadn't turned around and caught me staring.

We quickly made our way down a short hallway to an elevator where, once inside, Ms. West pressed the button for the fifty first floor.

"So Ms. Bardot, how are you liking West towers so far?" She questioned leaning casually back against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest

I swallowed the lump in my throat and then nervously shrugged "I haven't seen very much yet but I'm definitely enjoying it so far."

She nodded, her focus entirely on me and her eyes scanning as though she were trying to decide some hidden message in my words.

"I suppose you have only seen the parking garage, reception area, a hall way, and an elevator so far. Nothing as exciting as the basketball court or the napping room." She replied, the corner of her lip twitching up ever so slightly

I let out a giggle and mentally slapped myself as her eyes narrowed on me.

"Yeah I guess that the basketball court would be a little more exciting that a bland hallway." I replied trying to distract her from what just happened

She now smiled, something I had yet to see, and god was it a beautiful smile. The ding of the elevator caused us both to jump slightly. Once the doors opened she led me down yet another bland white walled hallway to a oak door that she opened and held for me. Once inside I couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the sheer size of her office. The ceilings were at least twice that of a normal room and two of the walls were purely made of glass, allowing one to see the entire city. Her desk was in the center of the far glass wall and a number of book shelves lined the white wall to my right. There was a small seating area in the corner of the two glass walls and a work out area in the corner opposite that.

"You seem surprised by my office." Ms. West stated looking over at me curiously

"I am." I replied with a nod

She shrugged closing the door "You get used to it."

I don't know how anyone could ever get used to their office being this unnecessary.


(A/N) Please don't forget to like, comment, and follow! It really does help and I appreciate you all so much! ❤️

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