11: Difficult Situation

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When I woke up I felt like literal shit and I swear that even a pin dropping would have drastically impacted my headache. That being said, my ringtone blaring loudly through the room was enough to make me wanna SCREAM. I groggily grabbed my phone from my night stand and looked at the caller ID and swear my heart stopped upon reading Ms. West.

I sat up and tried my best to collect myself before answering the call with a shaky "Hello?"

"Good morning Ms. Bardot, I apologize for calling you this early in the morning but I need to meet with you as soon as possible." She stated with the same authority as the first time we ever spoke

I could literally feel my stomach turning "Oh, uh, good morning to you too and we could probably meet for lunch or-"

I was cut off by her demanding tone "I sent a driver to your building, they're waiting so please hurry."


Suddenly the line went dead and I looked over at Luna who had somehow slept through the whole thing. I quietly got up and went over to look at myself in the mirror.

God I look ROUGH.

Considering the instructions I had been given I didn't dare to try and pick out one of my usual outfits. I sighed realizing that Ms. West would be seeing me in a pair of baggy sweat pants and a sweatshirt quite literally from highschool! I shook my head and quickly went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and comb my hair, that was in knots. I ended up having to settle on a messy bun before slipping on my Nikes, grabbing my keys, and heading out the door.

So do we think this is about the club last night or like something unrelated? I'm really hoping for something unrelated but the chances are pretty slim considering how pissed or I guess just stern she sounded on the phone. Get it together Harper and stay calm.

I quickly made my way downstairs and out of the building and spotted the same tall man from the night before, now in an all black suit, leaning against a blacked out dodge charger.

Stay calm? How the fuck am I supposed to stay calm? She sounded almost as mad as she was at the waitress the other night and that's the most mad I've ever seen her!

The guy stood up straight and gave me a once over.

"How did I know we'd be seeing each other again?" He laughed dryly as he opened the back door for me "Hop in."

I got in without a word and crossed my arms over my chest as I watched him go around to the other side and get in. The ride was absolutely silent and despite how anxious I was to see Ms. West, I was ecstatic when we parked in the West towers parking garage. Once we were out of the he led me inside past Allie and Brenna who were wide eyed as we passed them. Once on the elevator the man pressed the 60th floor button and we settled back into an awkward silence.


He waved for me to go first and I did so without any hesitation as I headed straight for the door to her office. I walked in and was instantly stared down as I walked toward her.

"I'll be in the hall if you need me." The man's deep voice called out from behind me before the sound of the door slamming shut echoed through the room

"Take a seat." She stated waving to the chair opposite her

I nodded nervously as I instantly sat down without a word.

She stood and paced behind her desk for a moment before stopping and turning to look at me "Less than a week here and we already have a problem."

I stayed quiet watching as she started pacing the wood floors once more.

She walked closer to me and then leaned back against the desk crossing her arms over her chest as she glared down at me "What were you doing at the club last night?"

"I was out with my friends," I replied with a shrug "I really had no idea you would be there."

"Hmmm," she hummed never breaking eye contact with me "firstly I didn't ask if you knew I'd be there and secondly why did you follow me then?"

I missed you? Yeah no.

"I was curious what you were doing there." I replied in a rather shaky voice

She dramatically shrugged throwing her hands up in the air "So you just so happened to randomly be at my club and just so happened to randomly spot me and  randomly for some dumb reason, you decided to what? Follow me? Stalk me? What information were you trying to get?"

"I wasn't trying to stalk you or get any information!" I exclaimed feeling my heart rate spiking in my chest

She rolled her eyes "Drop the act, who do you work for?"

"Y-You!" I sputtered out

She licked her lips looking me up and down before sighing "You're making this very difficult Harper."

Why am I so turned on by everything she just did? I mean I know she's mad but the combination of her saying my name and whatever the hell she did before has me struggling.

"I-I'm not trying to." I stuttered out

She smirked "Okay then, I need to see your phone."

What the fuck is she on today?

"I don't see why that's necessary but alright." I replied taking it out of my pocket and handing it to her

She snatched it from me and then went around her desk plugging it into her computer with a cord.

"Harper I need you to tell me exactly what happened leading up to you going to the club and why you were at the club. No half answers." She stated still focused on the screen

"Well on Saturday I had been studying literally all day and my friend Aurora said she wanted to go out so we all got ready and Luna picked that club because it was closest and she had to drive. I didn't even know it was your club until you just told me so trust me that's definitely not why we were there. Then as soon as we got in, which took awhile by the way, we ordered shots and drinks. We then danced for awhile and my feet started to hurt so I went to bar to sit and order another drink and that's when I saw you."

"Lines up with the security footage I saw." She mumbled just loud enough to hear

"Am I in trouble?" I questioned causing her to look up at me

"I'm not sure yet." She replied before looking back at the screen

I nervously tapped my foot "So like what am I maybe in trouble or not in trouble for?"

"I can't tell you." She replied not bothering to face me

"Are we talking like I disappear and no one ever hears from me again trouble or like fired from the internship trouble or like-" I started before being cut off once again

"Are you really making a joke right now?" She snapped, sending me a hard glare

I shook my head "No, I'm sorry."

"Just please be quiet while I finish this." She stated typing something into her keyboard

We sat in silence for quite some time before I heard her let about a breathe. I looked up and watched her unplug my phone and hand it to me.

She awkwardly stared down at her hands for a moment "So you were telling the truth."

"How did that prove I was telling the truth?" I questioned sliding my phone into my pocket

She shrugged with a smirk playing on her lips "Now that I can't tell you."

"You haven't told me anything." I groaned crossing my arms over my chest

"It's better that way." She stated before standing up "Now we've got to figure out what to do with you from here."


(A/N) Please don't forget to like, comment, and follow! It really does help and I appreciate you all so much! ❤️

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