Disappearing Cities

Start from the beginning


Captain Marvel landed on what used to be Fairfield with Joey and Sylvia perched on one shoulder, Ho Ly Mo Lee perched on the other shoulder.

It was flat brown earth void of buildings or vegetation far as his eyes could see. Mary Marvel, Stargirl and Captain Marvel Junior landed behind him.

Joey's nose twitched. "There's something here that we can't see. I smell it."

"Courtney and I will cover the entire Fairfield site at ground level. Mary and Freddy fly through clouds to see if you bump into anything," said the Captain.

"We mice will cover the underground," said Sylvia as she prepared to mobilize her armies.


"Mary, we'll find them," Captain Marvel Junior held Mary Marvel's hand to comfort her as they flew through the clouds.

He felt something bounce off his head as he flew through the cirrus clouds. He let go of her hand and grasped in the direction of that object.

"Found something?" Mary perked up.

Yes. Small and round over there.

Peering through the clouds, he saw a transparent bubble holding a tiny worm wearing glasses.

"Hee ha ho hee," it laughed. Then the bubble with the worm blinked out of existence.

Blinking once, blinking twice, Freddy stared in the direction of the bubble. "Did you see that?"

"See what?"

"A talking worm in a bubble?"

Mary felt Junior's head. "Are you ok? You sound feverish. Maybe the power's affecting you," she frowned.

"I'm ok. I know what I saw.. I think." He wasn't sure. Then he saw it from the corner of his eye. The bubble containing the worm, just before it slipped into his ear.

Captain Marvel Junior was no longer in control of his own actions.


"An entire city doesn't just vanish like that," Stargirl crinkled her cute little nose.  "Maybe, like Joey said, we just can't see it."

"If that's the case, we'd bump into buildings, walls or people if they are here but invisible." Captain Marvel replied. "So far, nothing. Not in this dimension anyway," he frowned.

"I can travel between dimensions, you know," Captain Marvel rubbed the back of his neck.

"Go for it," she grinned, sunlight glinting in her cute braces.

"Okay." He took off faster than the speed of light throwing himself into the crossroads between dimensions, universes, multiverses and time - The Rock of Eternity.

He found Fairfield's trail. His heart leaped with hope.

Flying past the speed of light, he landed in a parallel dimension, smack in the center of the city of Fairfield.

Activating his communicator, he contacted Joey.
"Fairfield's in another dimension. Sending location now."

"Captain Marvel!" Policemen, passerbys, men, women and children flocked towards him.

"So good to see you," said an officer. "We've been trapped here for ages. Are you here to get us out?"

An impossibly powerful, enormous metallic fist slammed into his face, sending him flying like a bullet through several buildings.

Mr. Atom!


"You're all alone now," a large blonde man with a crew cut smirked at Stargirl. He was wearing a Nazi uniform with the rank of a Captain. He lunged at her

"Get away from me you creep, I'm warning you," Stargirl blasted him with her cosmic rod.

Her blasts had no effect on him. He was invulnerable.

Grabbing her by the waist, he taunted. "Let's you and me tango."

The big man didn't flinch when she jabbed his stomach with her elbow. A sharp pain shot through her elbow. That man's stomach was hard as steel.

"I'm Captain Nazi. I need a bride to build a glorious future with," his grip was unbreakable.

Squirming, she threw her shooting stars at her captor's eyes.


The mice burrowed deep in the ground. Under thirty feet of soil, they found an enormous underground cavern. It was filled with futuristic looking machines.

In it was a caveman wearing a horned helmet operating massive machinery.

"That's King Kull," whispered Joey to his pups whose tiny eyes flew wide.

"Ho Ly Mo Lee, Find the teleporter, reverse it's polarity and inform me once it's done. We'll run interference."

"What have we got here?" Came a nasally voice. A short, bald bespectacled man picked Sylvia by her cuff. Sivana? Another of Cap's bad guys?

"Let her go!" Joey flew towards Sivana, diving as he tasered Sylvia's captor.

"Got you rodent!" The caveman caught Joey as Sivana toppled over.

The caveman's grip was unbreakable. Joey could barely breathe as the caveman tightened his grip, squeezing the breath out of the tiny mouse.

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