18: In trouble (DoveKit pov)

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"What were you thinking?" FireStar half yelled.
"We we're just going for a walk." MorningKit said.
"Oh really? Then why were you in that fox den?" He asked.
"Because JayKit fell in." HollyKit said.
HollyKit was starring at her paws.
"So you thought you could rescue him by yourself?"
"Well...." HollyKit started but didn't finish.
"Yes." CinderKit said for HollyKit.
HollyKit looked over at CinderKit, and mouthed a: thank you.
"Why didn't you get help?" FireStar asked.
"We didn't think to." BarkKit said.
"So, you thought you could do it all by yourselfs?"
"Yes." BirchKit answered for BarkKit.
As each kit answered a question, their leader looked at them.
Each kit was embarrassed, and tired. But none of them regretted what they did. They thought that they showed great bravery, and deserved to be made warriors.
"You know that you can't leave the camp. Your still just kits. Your not old enough yet." FireStar said.
"But we're almost old enough." IvyKit responded.
"Yes, but not yet. You need to be 22 moons. Your only 14. You still have 8 moons yet."
(So there just over a year old, but they need to be two years old to become apprentices) (by the way, all the kits are 14 moons, well...except morningkit, morningkit is 15 moons. Just a moon older)
"But why cant we become apprentices earlier?" HollyKit asked.
"Well, I suppose that you did show such bravery, and great fighting skills." FireStar said.
"Can we please?" CinderKit said.
Then all the kits said: please!
"Alright, alright. I will make you apprentices in another 4 moons instead of 8. Morningkit, you can be another 3 moons instead of 7"
All the kits cheered and cheered, filled with nothing but excitement.
"But, you, will have to stay in your den until your 3 moons. MorningKit, you will have to stay there for the rest for this moon."
The kits then stopped cheering, and started saying: awwwww! And: why?
"You mean we can't leave the camp?" BarkKit asked.
"No, you can't leave the nursery."
"But normally we can, we just can't leave the camp." BirchKit said.
"I know, but I have to punish you."
"So, this is our punishment?" IvyKit asked.
They were all silent for a moment.
"Go to the nursery now." FireStar said.
All the kits said: awwwww!
All the kits were disappointed that they got a punishment, but overwhelmingly happy because they we're getting to be apprentices early.

Warriors, power of seven, The sight completed ✔️ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon