10: finding jay kit (Hollykits pov)

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We walked into the tunnel. Dove kit went first, then me, then bark kit, flame kit, lion kit. As we went down, it started getting darker and darker.
It felt lonely down here. I felt lonely. But I don't know why.

Then dove kit had suddenly stopped. I felt bark kit bump into my tail.
"What's wrong?" I whisper to dove kit.
"I don't know, but, but the noise has stopped. The only noise I can hear is, wait oh no! Are we to late!?"
"What do you mean? Are we to late?" Bark kit whispered.
"What's going on?" All the other kits behind bark kit whispered.
"Quite!" I say.
"Wait, I can hear him!" Dove kit whispered.
She started running towards the noise.

After a while, she stopped at a ledge. There was more tunnel downwards, but we didn't need to go any farther, because he was lying down, right on the ledge.

Warriors, power of seven, The sight completed ✔️ Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ