12: trouble outside the den (birchkits pov)

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We went to go get cinder kit. She was sitting in the inside of the den, but was in the tunnel, with her head out the top of the tunnel.

"Cinder kit?" I say.

She jumps. I had scared her.

"Are you oaky?"

She turns to look at me.

"I'm fine, you just.......scared me. That's all. But we do have a problem though I'll give you that much."

I tilted my head in confusion.

"It's already sun high."
(12:00 in afternoon)
"Ohhh, we are soooooo in trouble! They have probably already noticed that we are missing! The dawn patrol probably already went out right?"

She nodded.

"Right. But, when the dawn patrol went by, they didn't seam in a rush, they weren't looking all over the territory, and, they all seemed calm. Vary calm in fact."
"Wait, so your saying, that you don't think the dawn patrol knew we where missing?"
"No, witch means that I doubt the clan did yet Either."
"But why, and how, would they not notice at that time?"
"I don't know birch kit. Maybe our parents weren't up yet."
"We'll they should have been."
"I know. But maybe they just slept in?"
"I guess it's possible."
"Ya. But the other problem, is that, well I'm pretty sure they know now."
"A ya, or corse they would, it's already sun high!"
"Well ya, but no, they sent a sun up patrol. And um, well they are right outside the fox hole, hunting."

I run past her to the entrance.

"But good news! They at least haven't found the fox den yet! That's good right, ya sure it is."

I look over to her, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Well then they must be blinder then jay kit! To have not found the den yet!"
"Well to be fair, we didn't find it at first either, we kind of fell into it."

I narrowed my eyes even more.

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