2: Firey dream's

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As a kit, everything I slept, I always had what I like to call: fiery dream's. They where all of both just random fires, some in a Forest some stranger then others. They where all really strange. But  I never told anyone about it. So how jay paw knew, was just a  huge mystery to me.

All the kits in the nursery with me where:
  Dove kit
Ivy kit
Morning kit,
Jay kit
Lion kit
Holly kit
Birch kit
Cinder kit
Those are all of the kits. Including me.

A lot of my fiery dreams have all of these kits in it, including morning shine,
(The queen that died)
Squirrel flight, bramble claw,  fire star, leaf pool, blue star, yellow fang, rock, and spotted leaf, as well as falling leaves.

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