5: The plan

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My heart started to beat fast. I looked over to jay kit. He seemed calm. But I felt this weird feeling coming off of him.
Did he already know? But how? Did he guess?

Days went by fast, and not a day went by where cats didn't come and check up on him. They where constantly fussing over him.

One day, me, and all the other kits where sitting together and talking. Jay kit was saying how tired he was of every cat fussing over him. He had had enough, I could tell.
So, Holly kit had suggested that we go out into the forest.
"But how? Won't they see us?" Cinder kit asked.
"Not if where sneaky and sneak out the entrance by the medicine den."
"But, where will we go?" I asked.
"I don't know, I guess just explore around a bit, and see what we can find."
"But is it even safe?" Jay kit asked.
"What do you mean?"

When jay kit didn't respond, lion kit responded for him.

"I think what jay kit means is that we would have two hole problems on our hand's if we went out there."
"Well, for one thing, jay kit is blind." Dove kit replied for lion kit and jay kit.
"And for another, there are foxes out and about in the forest that the warriors still haven't found." Ivy kit said.
"We'll, we'll just have to be careful."
"But what if that's not enough?" Birch kit asked.

I could tell Holly kit was losing her patience.

"Look, I'm going so if anyone wants to come with me, then stand up now."

Holly kit stood first, then bark kit, then morning kit, then cinder kit, then jay kit, then me, then lion kit, then dove kit, then ivy kit, then amber kit, then birch kit.

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