Captain Marvel & Aquaman

Start from the beginning

"Courtney! Get me the bracelets," he shouted as the Amazon charged at him.

Wonder Woman's fist hit his jaw sending him flying through a thick metal wall. His jaw throbbed. She hit harder than blood-lusted Superman.

Her movements were not as fluid or skilled as usual. More like someone's puppet.

"Diana, you have been poisoned." Captain Marvel held down her arms, studying her eyes.

The poison had a mind control, perception altering component to it.

"They are controlling you. Fight it!" Implored the Captain.

She broke free from Captain Marvel's grip and kicked him.

He dodged this time.
Swivelling around, he caught her in an arm lock.

"Diana, you are the Amazons' peace ambassador, not their war hound. You are stronger than this. You can fight off their control," the Captain tried to get through to her.

She threw him off and drew her god killer sword.

"Fight off their control. I don't want to hurt you."

Drawing on his vast power, he felt the crackling electricity fill his entire being. His hands crackled with lightning as all the tech in the room went bonkers.

Wonder Woman's god killer sword struck his neck.


Blink. Blink.
Nothing of concern happening in North America. Nothing in South America. Nothing in Europe. Nothing in Asia...

Arthur stretched his back, yawning as the screens in the Watchtower showed nothing that needed any help from the Justice League.

His communicator went off.

"Aquaman, this is Nightwing."

"What's up?' drawled Arthur.

"I just had a chat with Hal about the missing Bats case," Nightwing paused.

"What have you got?" Arthur grunted.

"Green Arrow, Steve Trevor, Lois Lane and I have been working on different parts of the puzzle. Something's going on now. We want to meet in the Watchtower to strategize."

Nightwing wouldn't share any details over the League's communication channels.

"Okay. I'll authorize the teleporter to receive you guys," Arthur replied.

Of the four, only Green Arrow was a League member. The rest needed special permission in order to use the zeta tube.

Minutes later, all except Steve were in the monitor room with Aquaman exchanging notes.

"They took Canary but left you behind?" Arthur asked incredulously.

"Yeah," Green Arrow shrugged.

"What's taking Steve so long?" Grumbled Green Arrow, changing the uncomfortable subject.

As if on cue, Steve appeared in the zeta tube. "Sorry I'm late," he smiled apologetically as he walked towards the group.

"It's been a long time, tough guy," he squeezed Aquaman's shoulder.

Arthur couldn't breathe. Water left his body rapidly as pink foam engulfed him.

The room was full of a sedative gas. His team mates collapsed.

As his vision blurred, he saw "Steve Trevor" morph into Clayface.

Then he blacked out.


Get the bracelets. Easier said than done. Courtney was sprawled on the floor, knocked off her feet by the last shockwave.

The bracelet was inches from her. This time she grabbed it before another shockwave hurtled her across the room.

Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman were fighting. Or at least, Wonder Woman was trying to kill Marvel while Marvel tried to restrain her.

Every blow landed created a massive shockwave. They moved at invisible speed.

Then they stopped.

Wonder Woman was brandishing her sword, the notorious god killer that could kill even gods.

Billy, no Marvel, stood a few feet away. Fire blazed in his brilliant blue eyes. Lightning danced on his fingertips.

He looked terrifying.

At times like these, Courtney found it hard to believe that the big man was really her sweet little boyfriend Billy.

Wonder Woman swung her sword at Marvel's head.

Courtney's heart skipped a beat as the sword struck his neck.

The massive shockwave blew Courtney against the wall.

Looking up, she saw Marvel on the ground a few feet away from her. He was rubbing his neck.

The sword did not break his skin, but the impact knocked him across the room.

"Bracelets," he pointed.

Courtney grabbed the other bracelet that lay a few inches away and tossed both at him.

He caught the bracelets. There was a blinding light. Then they were gone.

"All combatants have been delivered," said a tinny voice.

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