"I wasn't going to. She's here too y'know, and I'm sick of all your babbling. How about you show me what you got?!" He smiled and glanced at you. You nodded and threw the small grenade that he keeps on his belt that Bakugo threw to you. It exploded, and the idiot actually looked shocked. 

"Those ugly ass gauntlets he wears aren't just for his costume. They serve a purpose you know! And you've stumbled into a killer spot!" Kaminari pointed his finger as a straight line of electricity ran through the guy and to the disc that was misfired behind him. 

"Nice shot!" You smiled at him.

"Bakugo might seem like a douche all the time but he had us on his mind! He helped us out in the middle of the heated battle and was careful to not hurt us with his explosions! Kirishima is such a good dude that he rushed into our enemy's territory just to protect us! Even though it was stupid to do!" 

"Don't insult what you don't know!" You ran up and punched him. A piece of flesh rushed at you, and he was about to talk again until Kirishima punched him in the gut with a hardened fist, followed right after by Bakugo's explosion. Kirishima pushed you out of the way, and the asphalt scraped your hands and arms.

"The more damage he takes the quicker people get released. Thanks for the save back there guys." Kirishima smiled.

"You could've been faster!" You rolled your eyes as Bakugo finally stood upright and stretched his arms and legs.

"You don't always gotta be so mean! If you keep acting like that nobody's gonna like you! Especially girls man!" You looked over to see Kaminari totally staring past them now. "Those other flesh balls are starting to wake up." You looked in the direction he was looking as well as Kirishima and Bakugo. 

"We got targets." Bakugo stared at them like he was about to go into a frenzy. 

They all looked woozy as they were standing up. "Let's go guys." Kirishima smiled and hardened his hands. Some of them were already ready to attack. 


One of them ran right at you. The sound of a target getting hit made your heart drop for a second. "You'll be my first point." His fists became covered with padded cushions and he held his fists up. 

He jumped back and forth before coming closer and going to make the first punch. You deflected it with the side of your arm before hitting him flat in the face. "You're quirk is dumb y'know. Why cushion your blow?" He went to hit again but you trapped both of his arms before sweeping him off of his feet and leaning onto him. 

"Wait! Wait! I'm a third year. Please, aren't you just a first year? I need to pass this year. You first years have time!"

"What happened to me being your first point?" You grabbed a ball and hit all three targets. "I didn't even use my quirk. That was just basic combat which shows the difference in our skill level." He just lay there as another guy came right up to you followed by another. 

"I got three!" Kirishima yelled.

"I'm good!" Kaminari yelled, but Bakugo was already just standing there with his arms crossed watching.

"Hang on! I need one more!" You could feel the sweat dripping down your face, but there were a lot of people there. They weren't helping. "A little help?" You were pushing a guy and glanced over but they didn't move an inch.

"Do it on your own. Prove your strength." Bakugo stood with his arms folding into each other more.

"Asshole." You loosened your muscles and turned to the side as the guy fell onto the ground from trying to jump at you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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