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Above art by PEB99, and I am still working on editing this part please bear with me :)

Y/N woke up to Izuku knocking on her door. "Y/N, you have to get up. It's a big day." She groaned. 

"Five more minutes." She stuffed her face in her pillow.

"No, we can't do that right now. It's the day of the Sports Festival come on." She sighed as she got up, and opened the door. He wasn't there anymore, so she shut her door and got changed into her uniform before grabbing her bag and phone. She walked out to Inko waiting to say goodbye. Y/N grabbed a protein bar, and called it breakfast.

"I'm so excited for you two! I'll be recording the whole thing!" Inko said as she waved bye to them. They got to the school, changed into their school uniforms, and the whole school traveled to the site of the Festival. 

"So, Y/N are you excited?" Izuku asked as he came to her pace as she was walking inside. 

"Yeah, how about you? Are you ready to get absolutely crushed?" She asked clenching her fist and smirking.

All of the students made their way into the center when the pro hero Midnight and some others were standing on the platform. "Welcome everyone! I am so glad you could make it here today!" She announced as her super tight suit gave an interesting scene as she bounced around. Y/N looked away. "Let's have the representative say a few words before we begin!"

Everyone looked around before Y/N saw the top of a blond spikey hair boy walking up. "This is not going to go well." She thought to herself as he walked up onto the platform.

He tapped on the mic, "I just wanna say... that I'm going to win." Everyone started yelling and growling towards him as he walked back down.

"This. Is. The. Sports. Festival! Let's see what round one has in store for you guys!" She showcased a screen that had a wheel spin on it. It stopped, "The first round is an Obstacle Race!" She announced. Make your way to the gate, and we will start now!" 

Everyone started walking forward, and Y/N made her way up towards Bakugo. She hit him on top of the head before hiding back in the crowd of people. "Who the hell did that?!?" He yelled. "You can die!" 

"Ready? Set. Go!" Midnight called out, and everyone started running. She heard something echoing through the tunnel, and her reaction time was just fast enough to jump, and land on Todoroki's ice. When she landed though, her ankle landed weird, and she fell. She looked at it before quickly getting up, and ignoring the pain. 

"Dammit." She mumbled. "Not again." Ever since she was little her ankles have oddly been weaker than the rest of her body. Not to mention they were still healing from the USJ attack. She ignored the pain as she ran. "I'm not going to use my quirk." She thought. "I just need to stay at least in the first forty and I should be fine to go into the next round." She started to feel herself run faster as the pain in her ankle was so fogged from what was going through her mind that she couldn't feel it anymore. She kept running as Present Mic started yelling out everyone in the lead. She picked up the pace to see robots crashing down in a dirt area. "Can't stop." She thought as she picked up the speed. One crashed right in front of her, and she grabbed onto the metal and hopped over it. They kept crashing, and it was hard on the ice. She kept ducking and moving to dodge them all just by a hair before she made it through. 

She looked behind her to see a lot of people struggling to get through. She smirked before turning forward. After running for a few more minutes, but came to a stop as she looked over a cliff. She could her her mom at home, "Don't just stop. That's too scary. You'll fall!" She took a deep breath, and looked over. There were stone pillars beneath. If she did fall she could catch herself on those.

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