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Art above by PEB99. This is just a side idea, and doesn't really have anything to do with the plot, but it does give more of a feel for the relationships between certain characters and Y/N. I hope you enjoy! Also, please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes! I am still working on editing this part please bear with me :)

After the villains invaded the USJ the school continued the rest of the week as a weekend to upgrade security, and give the students time to calm down. Y/N just woke up to her phone blowing up with messages and groaned. She checked the time, and it was almost 1:00. She picked up her phone and started to read through all of the messages.

*Kirishima started a group chat* *Kirishima added Denki Kaminari to the chat* *Kirishima added Bakugo to the chat* *Kirishima added Mina Ashido to the chat* *Kirishima added Hanta Sero to the chat* *Kirishima added Y/N Midoriya to the chat*

Kirishima: Hey guys whatcha up to?

Bakugo: Shut the hell up

Sero: Nothing much how about you Kirishima?

Kirishima: I'm bored so I figured I would ask if you guys were up to anything

Mina: Omggg I'm so bored too we should all hang out!!!

Denki: Yo fr that sounds so fun

Sero: Yeah let's do that wanna meet at the mall around 3:00?

Bakugo: Shut up you guys are so annoying

Denki: Whatever this is why people don't really like you I'm surprised Y/N has put up with you for so long you're lucky you are invited

Sero: Yo guys where even is Y/N? She hasn't texted at all

Mina: oooh good point where is she? I hope she can make it

Kirishima: u guys have to admit though she is pretty cool I mean she slapped him and lived

Denki: Yeah talk about a badass

Bakugo: Stop texting so much you damn extras 🙄

Denki: dudes probably jealous because we'll probably hang out with his friend without him

Bakugo: You damn idiots she's probably sleeping I don't care but that's most likely why she's not answering now shut up

Mina: OOOOOOOO how do you know that Bakugo??? 😏

Bakugo: I've known her for almost my whole life shut the hell up stupid racoon eyes

Sero: Is shut the hell up the only insult you know?

Kirishima: Guys chill out but are we doing the mall at 3:00?

Mina: fs fs

Denki: I'll be there

Sero: I'm down

Y/N saw they were still actively texting and started typing...

Y/N: I'll go!

Kirishima: Ooooo she finally responded

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