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You started to go to Bakugo's every day for tutoring. However, the willingness to go soon changed to him making you, grabbing your backpack and dragging you if he had to. "You're going to get your damn grades up. You're never going to get into UA with shitty grades like that!" He would either yell or mumble something like that almost every day. He didn't even let you relax on weekends, and you started to regret willingly accepting his offer to tutor you for free.

Your only hope every time you went to get tutored was that Mitsuki would be there. Every time she was there, she would make you snacks. You even started to swear that it was the only thing keeping you sane from Bakugo hitting you on the head with a newspaper when you couldn't remember something. You started to get headaches the first couple weeks which turned into months because of that stupid newspaper. It started to fade overtime when your grades actually started to rise, and you didn't get abused by it anymore. It was only because you started to actually remember and learning things. Idiot, he's lucky I had enough control to not catch it or something. You thought almost every day that you walked home.

You were walking home from Bakugo's with Izuku one night when you reminded yourself of an incident. The memory always hurt your head and you overthought a lot whenever it played back in your mind, so vividly and clearly. The thought that you could've lost your best friend and brother the same day and time haunted you, and took control of your thoughts. As you walked, it was almost like you were on autopilot.

It happened about a day before Izuku started to not be able to help you anymore, right before he started disappearing and coming home late. You remembered Izuku running off on his own after school and Bakugo leaving with his minions which left you to walk alone. You decided to take the longer route since the boys weren't with you so you could listen to music longer without being pestered by everyone else. When you got home, your mom wasn't there to greet you as usual. You shut the door behind you and took off your shoes before walking further into the room. "Mom?" You called out, but there wasn't an answer. You looked into the living room where your mom was just sitting on the couch sniffling. The TV was on and there was fire and explosions on the TV. "Mom, what's up?" You tried to read her body language, but overall found yourself standing next to the couch.

She didn't say anything until she just looked over at you with tears streaming down her face. You weren't really nervous at first, because she cried at the most random things. That must be where Izuku got it from. She patted her tears, "Bakugo got attacked by a villain." She paused to get the tears out of her eyes again, "Your brother rushed in to help." As if the first part wasn't already enough, the second part left you standing there speechless. Stunned, paralyzed even. Your heart started skipping beats and your stomach dropped along with the bag in your hand which fell all the way until it thudded on the ground.

You managed to bring yourself to look over at the TV. The camera was really blurry at first, and you stood there with your impatience growing until it finally focused. The whole area was on fire, and there was rubble everywhere from explosions. There were a lot of pro heroes on the side, and a slime monster in the middle. No, a better way to describe it was a sludge villain. The blonde hair trapped inside of it being held captive was no doubt Bakugo, and the blurred green hair that rushed past the bottom of the screen could only be one person.

What the hell are the pro heroes doing? They need help. How are they going to let a quirkless boy do their job? You just watched for a second, and the reporter's voice started explaining what was happening. It was so monotone, and boring. He made it sound like nothing bad was happening and it was a normal occurrence.

Eventually All Might had to come and finish the job. You didn't see it happen though, because you already darted back towards the door and started sprinting to the scene. It was quite the run away, and you didn't stop once. Once you got there though it started to rain and there were murmurs coming from all around you. "Did you see that kid rush in? He's crazy!" "I know right? He should be glad All Might was there to help." "All Might always saves the day!" "What about that kid that was being held hostage. Is he okay?" "All Might helped of course he is." "All Might is insane, I mean he changed the weather with a single punch, and captured the villain at the same time."

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