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Hello, and thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy! I am curious if you guys like it, but I am not sure if I am going to continue if nobody wants to read it lol. So please let me know if you want it to continue otherwise updates are probably going to be super sporadic and not consistent. I hope you find this a fun read so far though! I am still working on editing this part please bear with me :)

Y/N walked into the classroom, and took her seat. "We're like celebrities' now. We're big deals." Denki said as he leaned back in his chair.

"Yeah it's pretty cool right?" Kirishima chimed in.

"Get over yourselves. The hero course that trains people to become pros was attacked. That's all they care about." Jirou told them as she twirled her earphone jack around her finger.

"Who knows what would've happened if the teachers didn't show up." Sero said.

"Don't say that! It was so scary! I'm gonna pee myself just thinking about it!" Mineta started crying out.

"Oh shut up!" Bakugo and Y/N yelled at him at the same time. Mineta sank in his seat with tears in his wide eyes.

"What about All Might fighting the bird guy?" Sato asked. "He was awesome!"

"Attention! Attention! Homeroom class is about to begin! Everyone take your seats!" Iida came in moving his hand all weird again.

"You're the only one not sitting man." Kirishima told him.

"Ugh... dang it-" Iida said as he squeezed his hand in a fist.

"Tsu, who do you think is going to teach class?" Uraraka asked. Mr.Aizawa walked into the class with one eye exposed from the bandage. He was covered in bandages, and took his place at the front. "Your fight isn't over yet." He told them in a very monotone voice.

"Oh no! Not more villains!" Mineta cried out from his seat. Y/N rolled her eyes.

"It is time for the UA Sports Festival. It's about to start."

"Yes!" Kirishima said with a smile.

"This is a very important time for you to showcase your skills, and make yourself known. There is going to be higher security however this year. Some think that we shouldn't hold it this year, but it is very important for you wanna be heroes. Still doing it is a way to show that the threat has been handled. It is also prime entertainment for the viewers. Some of you guys will get offers for internships."

"This sounds so fun! I'm so excited! But don't scare us like that!" Mina called out.

"Top heroes from everywhere will be watching!" Momo spoke from the back of the class.

"That's right. One chance a year, three chances in a lifetime. No one can afford to pass it up. Class dismissed."

The bell rang, and Y/N got up from her desk. She stopped when she saw everyone talking to each other though. "Omg Ojiro! I need to find a way to get noticed!" Hagakure exclaimed.

"Uh, I think you're going to have trouble with that unless you find something super shiny." He shyly told her.

"I mean come on Shouji people are obviously going to notice your quirk! It's so cool!" Denki told him as he sat on top of the desk.

"Wow people really are excited aren't they?" Izuku asked as he walked over to Iida.

"Well of course aren't you?"

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