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In this story I am having Y/N using she/her pronouns. I do not wish to make anyone uncomfortable, so I am putting this at the beginning as a heads up :) I hope you enjoy! Disclaimer: There are spoilers from MHA, so please be aware!

You sighed as you watched the clock slowly made it's way around the circle. Making little ticking noises for every meaningless second that passed by. Then there was the teacher. Explaining on and on about how his own personal life was. You tapped your pen a few times before putting it in your mouth and started to lightly chew on it as you just looked out the window.

School was not your idea of a fun time. Your grades were bad, and you never took notes. There wasn't a reason besides the fact you just didn't want to. You would rather spend the time starting at the clock or looking at the window until the bell gave you the signal it was finally time to go home.

Finally the ring of the bell sounded, and you quickly grabbed your bag and left. It was easy since you didn't take anything out for class anyways. The hallway was flooded, and you made your way through the crowds of people eventually to outside where you stood there and waited for Izuku.

Groups of friends and people clumped together because of the rush came out of the building at a steady pace until it seemed to be random and sporadic. Eventually there was nobody else coming out, and it was just you standing out there, looking at the building waiting. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed something fly out of the window, and it took you a second to realize it was a notebook. It was pretty much right above you, so you leaned over the water it was headed towards and barely managed to catch it. The pages that flew out of it because of the speed weren't as lucky. You took off your shoes and got in the water to retrieve them before getting back out and looking at it. Oh wait, this is Izuku's. Why was it thrown out the window? You looked back up towards the open window, but you couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. You put the soggy pages in between the cover and shut it before climbing out of the water and putting your shoes back on where you continued to wait.

You clutched onto the notebook wondering why he was taking so long, and then you saw Bakugo walking out with his gang of minions, so you liked to call them. You made eye contact with Bakugo as he passed and bumped into your shoulder hard, "Stupid Y/N, still waiting for her helpless brother. What a waste of time." He snickered, and the rest of them started to laugh before walking away. You sighed and shook your head before hearing heavy breathing coming your way.

"I am so sorry for taking so long! It's just I had to write something down, and then I dropped my hero notebook out of the window, and-" He stopped when he noticed you holding the mostly dry journal in your hands. "Oh you got it for me? Thank you." He took it back and started to look through it. It had some burn marks on it and it looked rough, but it still had the information he kept in there. You had only looked in it a few times, so you didn't know how much was really in it anymore. "You're all wet now though."

You looked down at your legs and socks that were now soaked and shrugged. "It's whatever. Can we go now though? I have homework to do. And notes." You added with a delay.

He looked over with a side glance, and sighed, "You didn't take notes again did you?"

"I tried to, but it's soo boring I just couldn't! Then my teacher was rambling on and on about his boring lonely life, and it was just not possible." He started laughing, and you looked over, "Anyways, why'd you really take so long?"

"I had to stay after to ask something, and I needed to add more to my notebook."

"Then why did you toss it out the window?" You raised an eyebrow, "You suck at lying."

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