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He started to try to decay your gut before you broke out of the hold and started to run. You were going to hide behind rubble, but if you did now it would be pointless. He'd see you. You turned around."You want to kill me I bet huh?" You smirked as you looked at him. If I'm not careful I'll die. "Go help your goons get him back. I'm not going to be any help to you."

He laughed and scratched his neck with a sort of mocking voice, "Of course you will. If I kill you, and they find your body, do you know how much that will tarnish UA's reputation? To let one of their precious students die in an attempt to save another kidnapped student? Not only that, but then that other green-haired asshole, and Bakugo will be coming right back to me. Maybe I do need you alive. For now at least." He smiled, and you could see from your distance his lips cracked as they went into that upright position. 

You felt your stomach sink as you backed up. He's right though. If I get killed or taken he'll lead the people he wants most right back to him. His hand went towards you, and you grabbed his wrist before realizing how close he was. His eyes were wide and thirsty for blood. You looked right into them before letting go of his wrist and pivoting on your foot to run.

As you ran he kept trying to touch you with all five fingers. He's too close. You elbowed him in the stomach, and he grabbed your arm. That feeling again, of your flesh breaking and crumbling to the floor. You swung your leg up to kick him, but now that you were left without One for All it was slow and he caught it. Your teeth clenched as you tried to get free. "Shit." It hurt. Really bad, and you winced trying to keep your tears in. 

He wheezed before grabbing your other ankle and you let out a spine-chilling scream this time. I'm going to lose. I need to get away. "So cocky. You wanna be heroes are something like that right? Where's your fancy power? Why don't you use that? It seems like you need some help." He grabbed onto your shoulder to lift you up towards him which just made you yell more. You didn't even care, just wanted to stop the feeling of your flesh breaking away as a bunch of bleeding started. "Don't tell me that you can't use it after that ambush." He laughed before he dropped you. "You're lucky I need you alive. It's taking everything to not kill you. Why don't you make it easy and just walk back with me? Come with us. Stop fighting." He reached out his hand as an offer, but you put pressure on the wound on your shoulder as you stood to your feet.

"Okay." Your heart was beating fast as you walked next to him. His hand was one finger away from disintegrating your throat. You could see the big clearing where All Might and All for One were still fighting. You straightened your arm that you were holding your shoulder with. It forced the grip around your neck to loosen, so you quickly used your force to shove him on the ground before running back to where you came from. He yelled in anger before throwing something at you. You ducked and covered your head as you ran. You pretended like you weren't hurt and bleeding as you ran. You grabbed on a big piece of wall and hopped behind it before just waiting there. I'm losing too much blood again... You ripped parts of your hoodie and wrapped it, starting with your ankles before you stopped. You looked around. It was faint, but it was crying, like a baby's cry. 

They had a safe landing, and the whole time they walked back Izuku had a serious face. It was like he was trying to remember or figure something out as they all stood there on the main street with a live stream of the fight projected onto the buildings. They all stood around before Izuku slammed his fist into Bakugo's face knocking him onto the ground. It got the attention of a few of the crowd members, but the majority of them just kept watching the footage. "Did you know it was her?!" He yelled, almost his entire face shadowed over. Bakugo didn't even look at him as he moved his jaw around. "You did! How could you?!" His voice cracked as tears dripped down his face without control.

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