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The boat started sinking, so Tsu grabbed onto you and Mineta before jumping off of the ship and high into the air. She was amazing, and you watched as you all soared above the water. Mineta started throwing the balls from his hair into the water as fast as he could until blood started to trickle down his head. You all eventually landed in the water, and it stung as you guys landed, but you turned around to see all of the villains stuck together in the middle of a giant whirlpool. Izuku's head came above the water as he gasped for air. As he stood up you saw the bruising on his fingers as they lay draped compared to the rest of his hand.

You noticed the dirt being stirred up from where Mr. Aizawa was fighting all of the villains earlier. "Maybe we should go help them. His quirk isn't made for large groups." You found yourself talking before you realized the words you were saying.

"It's dangerous. We should stay here and wait until help arrives." Tsu combatted, but as you looked at her to read her facial expression it was blank. Then you noticed the grape head clinging onto her as if he was still scared, his hand on her boob squeezing it. You slapped him as hard as you could, and Tsu pushed him under the water. He had no access to air. What a shame.

"You're probably right," Izuku commented. "I don't want him to work himself to the point of no return. He's outnumbered."

You moved to see a different angle, and they did too. It cleared up enough for you to see Mr.Aizawa drive his elbow into the villain with hands all over him. Your body froze as you saw the clothes on his elbow disintegrate before the skin on his arm followed. What kind of quirk is that? Mr. Aizawa backed up to gain distance but was forced to dodge the other villain's attack. Then you saw the silhouette behind him. It was huge, at least double his height. Your mouth fell open as you watched in terror. Was this what the pros had to go against? Mr. Aizawa noticed and looked at it just as it slashed his face. His blood splattered and he crumpled to the floor. All of you watched in shock, not able to move from the shock and severity. Is he dead?

"There were students I couldn't disperse. One of them got out." Your eyes trailed over to the purple mist guy from earlier. The one with hands was there now too, and you put your head closer to the water, praying they hadn't noticed the four of you.

"Kurogiri! If you weren't our only warp gate I would've disposed of you by now! You're lucky you're essential to the plan because otherwise, you're incompetent!" The hand guy's voice was raspy. "Let's get out of here."

"Why would they leave?" Izuku mumbled, and your eyes got wide before you put your finger to your lips and shook your head.

"Before we leave let's make sure the symbol of peace is broken." He turned around and stared at the four of you with a grotesque smile on his face. Before any of you could react he put his hand on Tsu's face. Thoughts of Mr. Aizawa's elbow played back in your mind as you turned. It felt like everything was moving in slow motion. She was going to die. When you came back to your senses you realized nothing happened to her. His hand was just on her face. "You really are so cool." He croaked out before glaring over his shoulder. You looked behind him where Aizawa was being held by a bird beast. His head was up just long enough for him to erase the hand guy's quirk. He saved Tsu. He fought the pressure on his head before the bird slammed it back into the concrete.

"Let go of her!" Izuku yelled, and you looked back over to get blown by a gust of wind. It pushed you against the side of rocks before rolling you out of the water and onto land. You coughed before seeing the bird thing attacking Mr. Aizawa earlier. Someone called it Nomu. It grabbed Izuku's arm, and the guy with the disintegrating quirk had his hands outstretched toward Tsu and Mineta again. There's no way I can make it on time. The doors to the USJ burst open, and everyone who could hear or see it shot their heads in its direction.

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