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This extra part is heavily inspired by this picture created by skeletordraws on Tumblr. I really liked their art, and it gave me an idea for this part so if you can please go check out their work :)

You stirred in your bed to your phone going off, and it wouldn't stop. It was quickly getting annoying, so you opened the messages. It was kind of surprising to see that it was the group chat with the entire class in it. You didn't even get to read through before there was a knock on your door.

"Hey Y/N. Wanna go river rafting today with our class? Mr.Aizawa and All Might offered to be our chaperones."

You hopped up and opened the door, "River rafting? Are you serious? That's what all those messages were?"

"Yeah!" His face lit up with a smile, "Wanna go?"

"Yes! Are you kidding me?! Are we going there in our swimsuits?"

"Yeah. We should get going soon though okay?"

"Sounds good!" You smiled and shut the door before grabbing your swimsuit out of the drawer. "It's brand new, and I haven't gotten to wear it yet!" You mumbled to yourself excitedly. It was a one-piece swimsuit with long sleeves. You put it on and tied the back. Then, you put shorts on over it and walked out with your phone. 

"Ready to go?" He asked holding a bag with sunscreen and two towels. "They have rafts there at the spot to get in that we can rent."

"We have some rafts in the closet. Let's just grab those and then blow them up when we get there. Save some money you know?"

"Yeah, sure. Mind grabbing them?"

"No problem." You walked over to the closet and grabbed two of the unopened raft boxes, "Do you want the uh, blue race car floaty or the pink unicorn one?"

"Is that all that's in there?"

You shrugged and got on your hands and knees, "There's an uh green one. Oh wait, wait I see another one. There's green and blue. That sounds good to you?"

"Yeah, you can throw them in the bag. I'm gonna grab some snacks and then we can go."

"Sounds good." You slid the other boxes back and shut the door. "This sounds so fun don't you think?"

"Yeah, it does." He smiled and grabbed a couple of granola bars. "Y'know, it's nice doing something normal for once. It's been a while since we've caught a break. Then we also have our training camp soon."

"Mhm. Let's get going though. We don't want to be late and get left behind."

"Yeah." You guys headed out, and to the spot, everyone agreed they were meeting. "I don't see anyone." You mumbled and gripped onto Izuku's bag.

"Yeah... oh! They're right there. Hey guys!" He ran forward and you lost grip on the bag. "How is everyone?"

"Where is your sister?" Mr.Aizawa came up behind him. "We were waiting on you guys."

"I'm right here." You sighed and walked by Izuku. "Thanks for being our chaperones."

"Yes, we just need to make sure everyone is here. Besides you, coming late as always. Everyone else is here."

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