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"Y/N! Honey?" You rubbed your eyes and set down the pencil you were drawing with before getting up from your desk and walking into the kitchen.

"Yes, mom?"

"Come here, I already gave your brother his." She was biting her lip out of excitement and looked like she wanted to jump but instead did a little bob on her toes until you got over there. "Close your eyes okay?" You did as she said and felt a soft cloth get laid on your hands, "Open!" When you opened your eyes you were holding a green suit. "I made you a hero suit! It's like your brothers except I made a few modifications!"

You grabbed it and examined it. "This is like the sketch I made when I was little. I threw that away. How'd you make it?"

"Well, I got it out of your failed sketch trash. You threw it away when you were having a tantrum, so just in case you still wanted it I saved it for you. You know, a lot of those drawings you make are really good. You should finish most of them. You know, add some clothes? Finish them maybe?"

Your eyes got wide as you realized what she said before awkwardly laughing, "I just didn't like how they look." You laughed nervously as it felt like your heart was pounding out of your chest. "You look at all of them?"

"Well not all of them but a lot of them. You have real talent I don't know why you don't finish them. Anyways do you like it? I really wanted to surprise you!"

"Yeah, of course." You put on a smile for her. "It looks like Izuku's."

"Of course! You two did design them together after all. Super All Might Twins here to save the day!"

"That name is embarrassing mom." You sighed, "Thank you though. I really appreciate it." You could hear Izuku snickering in the corner behind you. "What's so funny huh?" You asked, crossing your arms as he burst out into more laughter. Wiping his eyes from the tears that gathered from laughing so hard.

"It's nothing. Just funny how similar our suits are that's all."

"Liar." You mumbled with a smile.

"I thought it would be cute. You guys always used to make matching hero costumes. For my two heroes."

"It is cute mama, ignore Izuku. He's being dumb." You hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek before grabbing your bag and the costume papers you had to turn in. "Ready to go?"

"Yep." He stood up and grabbed his bag before putting on his shoes after he finished laughing. "Love you mom, see you later. Be safe!" You both smiled and blew her a kiss before leaving for school.

Both of you kept walking as the sky grew dark and it started to drizzle a little. "I talked to him. About the thing. First, though, how did you know I was lying about the ball throwing?"

"I didn't. I just said that because I could. Plus, it doesn't make sense to be quirkless and throw it that far."

He stopped walking and just looked at you. "You didn't know? You tricked me you jerk!"

You smirked and kept walking. "Did not. I didn't think it would work because I didn't really expect you to lie to me. You kinda suck at it. Who did you talk to though?"

He shook his head as he caught up with you and smiled. "All Might." When you looked over quickly with widened surprised eyes, his were lit up. Pretty and green, but filled with excitement. "He wants to meet in an office room after school. That's alright with you, right? He wants to talk to you."

"Yeah. I don't have anything to do. Is it gonna be worth my time though? Or are you just gonna lie to me again?"

"He made it sound like I could tell you everything. If it doesn't go well then we can go get ramen or something else to eat after." You looked over and opened your mouth to talk before he cut you off. "Yes, I'll pay." You pursed your lips together before laughing.

The Quirkless Twin Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum