taehyung tried to muffle out his whimpers by covering his mouth with his sleeve, his sleeve almost completely soaked with his tears that continued to rapidly run down his blossom cheeks, his eyes almost bloodshot red. what is yoongi doing to him? and why does it hurt so fucking much? does love usually feel like this? he climbed onto his bed and hid in the blankets and covers on his bed, hugging multiple pillows before eventually falling asleep.  

the following morning, taehyung woke up to met with the blazing sun blaring through the dark-grey curtains. he squinted his eyes, sitting up on his messy bed, pouting when flashbacks from yesterday start flooding back in his mind. "fuck..i really need to sort things out between us.." taehyung grunted and began brushing his teeth before getting changed afterwards. 

he went downstairs, realising that jungkook and jimin were most likely out, meaning he could invite yoongi over. 

convo between hyung and cute mf

cute mf

hey uh, hyung.. i know this is sudden but i really think we should talk. and i don't mean just about last night, i want you to come over, i want to sort things out and i know this is a sudden change of mood but, i want things to be good between us. 


yeah! i'll come over in about five, i just want to apologize for being a prick and being completely insensitive about how you felt. i'd love for things to be how they used to be, taehyungie. see you then, :) 

seen at 8:13AM



taehyung heard a knock at his door, immediately rushing over to open it, revealing his hyung. taehyung stepped back, watching him step inside as taehyung gulped. he stepped closer to yoongi and hugged him tightly, surprising the elder. he heard silent whimpers coming from the younger, making yoongi feel extremely guilty. he sighed and gently lifted his chin, his eyes being met with taehyung's glossy, doe eyes. "it'll be okay, taehyungie. we'll be okay." yoongi whispered, showing a comforting smile. 

taehyung nodded, a small smile appearing on his heart-like lips. "c'mon, let's go upstairs. it'll be more comfortable for you." yoongi whispered, gently grabbing his slightly smaller hand, taking him upstairs and into his room. taehyung sat on the bed and watched the elder's every move, his eyes never leaving yoongi's face as he watched him sit next to him on the bed.  taehyung was trying his hardest to not cry in front of him, holding back his salty tears in the brim of his silver grey eyes. 

yoongi grabbed his hands again, their eyes meeting each other again. "taehyung, i'm so fucking sorry for treating you like shit, and neglecting you when i really should've been there for you. i wish i was a better friend towards you and i feel terribly sorry for making you feel like you aren't important and you aren't needed, i was such a prick towards you and i really should've been more careful with my actions. i realise now, that i have the chance to be a more better friend for you and i want to take that chance." yoongi said, tears slowly starting to roll down his cheeks. 

"hyu--hyung.." taehyung mumbled, hiccupping in between his sobs. yoongi caressed his soft cheeks, gently pecking his tears away whilst taehyung placed his thumbs on yoongi's cheeks to wipe his tears as well. "i want to be friends.. but, there's something i should probably tell you." taehyung whispered in a croaked and raspy voice. "i really like you..i--i know it's quite sudden and if you want me to stop, i will if you want to take our friendship slow." taehyung mumbled as his voice ebbed away.

 yoongi scooted closer to the shorter male and carefully grabbed onto his waist, gently pressing his lips onto taehyung's. "i like you too, taehyung-ah. but, i would really like to be with you. we can take our relationship slow, i want to make it the most memorable time of our lives." yoongi said, admiring how taehyung's eyes sparkled with a hint of love for the whole time that yoongi spoke. "i'd love that, hyung. bu--but, can we not tell jungkook or jimin?" taehyung mumbled, and yoongi nodded in response. "sure, i'd think that would be best thing to do for now, anyway." yoongi exclaimed as the pair got into a more comfortable position, as taehyung snuggled into his chest, before falling asleep soon after. 


after a few days, yoongi had come over most days to see taehyung but only when his roommates would be out. but, this time, they would be there. taehyung opened the door to reveal yoongi, smiling widely at him as he pulled him into a tight hug. "i've missed you, babe." yoongi whispered as he mumbled in his neck, hearing the latter giggle. "you saw me two days ago, baby." taehyung smiled, metaphorically dragging him to his room.  taehyung pulled him onto the bed, snuggling into his chest, as yoongi pecked his boyfriend's dyed hair, pulling him closer. "you're so beautiful, baby.." yoongi whispered in his ear, planting a kiss under his earlobe. 

but then, they heard distant talking and footsteps towards taehyung's room. the door opened and jungkook walked in, jimin following behind him. "taehyung-ah-- what the fuck? why is yoongi here?" jung-kook exclaimed, his voice raised up a notch as he stepped closer but jimin held him back by grabbing his arm. "kook, don't make a scene.." jimin whispered, hearing the younger grunt. 

"me and yoongi-hyung sorted everything out between us." taehyung's voice ebbed away as he spoke and sat up fully on the bed. "even after everything he's done to you, tae?" jung-kook exclaimed, his voice saddening, making the younger feel guilty. "Kook, he's become a better person, i know he has. and, we've moved on from the past. we've both reflected since then and we've decided to take the step on becoming a couple. all i ask from you is to accept that we're together. that's all." taehyung mumbled, hoping to get a positive answer from his roommates. 

jung-kook sighed, looking down at the floor before finally answering. "fine, i'll accept you, but only because you're my best-friend and i don't want to loose you. just don't be lovey dovey and shit in front of me." jung-kook rambled to the elder male and pulled him in for a quick hug before he left the room, leaving jimin with the couple. "i'm happy for you, taehyungie." jimin said as he did his typical eye-smile and kissed his dyed hair before walking out and leaving the couple alone in taehyung's bedroom. 

and finally, taehyung had the happy ending that he was looking for

a/n i guess that was a happy ending! i'm sorry if this was rushed! i've working on it for nearly two days :(

i also apologise if this was cringe-  all of this was written on different days so i'm sorry if there's any detail or anything that doesn't add up in the oneshot! 

2000+ words! wooooo! 

have a good day!!! <3

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